The Cat Love platform was established last year to meet the needs of pet paws and help owners get to know them better. As it is known, the close relationship between cats and humans started centuries ago. This friendship, which dates back to Ancient Egypt, continues to grow stronger today. So much so that today we see that almost every apartment building has a cat on every floor. In fact, this widespread symbiosis brings with it the need to raise awareness. Yes, we love cats, but how much do we know about them and how aware are we of their needs? Cats are indeed magnificent creatures. Leonardo Da Vinci even declared them masterpieces of nature. Any individual who shares the same living space with a cat soon realizes this. It would not be an exaggeration to say that a person who experiences their sincerity, love and constantly open-to-exploration behavior once becomes addicted to these tiny paws. This is already evidenced by the increasing number of cat adoptions. But unfortunately, cat knowledge does not increase at the same rate. This is exactly where the importance of the Cat Love platform comes to the fore. Sharing a life with pets is something that requires responsibility as well as beauty. The job doesn’t end with adopting them. The responsibilities begin after that. Due to their species, most individuals may see them as an element of wild and natural life. But in their thousands of years of history with humans, they have evolved a great deal. Moreover, urbanization everywhere has destroyed their homeland. That’s why it’s hard to call today’s cats wild. They need the attention of their owners for many of their basic needs. As Kedi Sevgisi, we share with you all the information you need to know about cats thanks to the opinions we get from experts and the article research we do at the international level. In this way, it is possible to create the best cat-owner relationship.
We proceed with the principle of sharing one blog post every day on our site. Sometimes the number of these posts can also increase. As Kedi Sevgisi, we intend to raise awareness with an article every day. Most of the time, paw friends wonder how we prepare these articles. We often encounter this in the feedback we receive. Let us explain. First of all, we are in frequent contact with veterinarians. After all, they are the ones who have the most direct contact with cats and their owners. We can learn the most up-to-date information and frequently asked questions from them. While determining the article topics, we also take into consideration your opinions, suggestions and questions. When there is a topic you want to learn about, you send it to us and our expert teams meet with experts on this subject. The result is informative and the most reliable articles. Each article we share on our site has a very special importance for us. Because each line has the potential to create awareness in a cat owner. For this reason, we carefully prepare word by word, line by line. The main feature that distinguishes us from other cat blogs is the opinions we receive from experts. Whether it is veterinarians or cat therapists, we always ask for their opinions before sharing our articles. If needed, these experts can also make corrections or additions. So we have access to perfect information.
Cat Love not only provides information about the little paws, but also aims to raise awareness of individuals towards pets. Our main mission is to instill a love for paws and to explain the elements to be considered in a common life with them. This is the shortest way to summarize what we are doing. We started this beautiful journey with a limited number of paw friends and now we have a great team. The number of volunteers is increasing day by day. Some of the individuals in our team identify the topics that owners need, some of them write them down, and some of our teammates present the articles to you through the website. A team on our platform also donates food to shelters with a significant portion of our earnings on the site. Of course, we are only at the beginning. We are still at a very early stage of our dreams and projects. But we are moving step by step every day towards what we want to do. Here are some of the projects we want to achieve and which reflect our vision for the future:
1- Finding a warm, sheltered living space for stray and neglected cats on the streets.
2- To increase the adoption rate of pets by creating awareness that cats have a great share in human happiness.
3- Raising the standard of living not only for stray animals but also for domestic cats.
4- To bring veterinarians and owners together by emphasizing the importance of cat health in our articles.
5- Providing food, healthy equipment and people for the happiness of stray animals and shelters.
Loving a cat is a good act, but it is not enough. Most people think that living with cats is quite easy. But this is a flawed approach. This is because coexistence with paws requires a high level of responsibility. If these responsibilities are not known and fulfilled, adopting a cat is a disservice to these creatures rather than a good deed. Here’s why Cat Love? the answer to the question is hidden here. Raising awareness and being aware of responsibilities. The fact that a cat’s hair can become uncomfortable if it is not combed regularly, that a cat with internal or external parasites can also contract bacteria or parasites, that tiny paws can also become depressed, that anorexia can increase if the food is changed incorrectly during the transition process, and thousands of other information can be shown as an example of the awareness we are trying to create. If you want to get to know your pet better and help them live a healthy life, you can start reading our articles right now.
On this path we set out with a few cat enthusiasts, we met many valuable people and our team grew more and more every day. Today, Cat Love platform articles are edited by expert veterinarians, families living with cats, volunteers working in shelters, petshop owners and many other qualified people. What they all have in common is their dedication to these tiny paws. Diversity is the most important factor affecting the quality of the writing. For example, when preparing a topic on what food kittens eat, both veterinarians and pet shop owners are consulted. Thus, it is possible to reach the clearest information and transfer it to you. The Cat Love supplement does not only feature experts and people related to cats. There are also individuals who have never experienced symbiosis with cats but would love to do so. This has a huge impact on the quality of the writing. For example, how much does it cost to keep a cat per month or is it difficult to live in the same house with cats? It is through their thoughts that problematics such as these arise and that we write about them. In short, the Cat Love platform is an essential site for anyone who has a heart for these cute and special pets, who lives with them or wants to live with them. We aim to instill all kinds of awareness in you by increasing our writing capacity day by day. We are taking firm steps in this direction.
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