5 Calming Methods for Cats

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These 5 calming tricks for cats are especially relevant for individuals with nervous and irritable little friends. When cats get angry or aggressive, it is often impossible to understand the underlying causes of their behavior. In such moments of miscommunication, picking on them can make the situation even worse. However, the way to calm your little friend is quite simple. In this article, we have compiled 5 very effective methods that cat owners use to calm them down…

Tranquilizer for Cats

Calming Recommendations for Cats

We’ve all had moments when we’ve been faced with the question ‘how to calm an aggressive cat’. Moreover, we often don’t know how to communicate with them in these moments. But don’t panic. Even in their angriest moments, cats understand you and want to communicate. But remember that you can only establish this communication with the right methods. Here are 5 calming methods for cats…

Make Her Feel Safe

Cats often become aggressive when they have trust issues. This is because their origins in the wild emphasize these impulses. The first thing to do in such moments is to stay calm. Sudden movements make cats panic even more. You should move away from it and allow it to re-establish its own trust. Also, to avoid such problems, create high areas in the house for your cat. Being up high makes them feel safe. Elevated areas are calming for cats .

Reward Your Cat

Although cats exhibit certain patterns of behavior, our little friends are actually open to training. By repeating certain techniques, you can capture the behavioral habits you want in them. Especially the answer to the question of how to calm a kitten lies here. Because cats are open to training in their behavior during kittenhood. Reward your cat a lot. Repeat this especially when he is calm and happy. This way, your little friend will understand that being calm will bring rewards, and this behavior will last for a long time. Treats have calming properties for cats.

Create a Special Space for Your Cat

Even though cats are domesticated, they still value their freedom. They are uncomfortable in tight and cramped spaces. Thus, aggressive behavior becomes more frequent. Create special areas in the house just for him. If he creates his own space and likes it very much, do not disturb it. Remember that the pleasant times he will spend there will reflect on you.

5 Calming Methods for Cats

Spend Too Much Time with Your Cat

Studies have shown that there are differences in the behavior of cats of individuals who are not at home during the day and cats who live at home with people 24/7. Cats that are home alone too often seem to be happy when their owners come over, but they actually become more aggressive in normal moments. Do Cats Miss Their Owners? in our article, we have dealt with this issue in detail. Cats have a fear of losing their owners. So how to calm a scared kitten? First of all, spend a lot of time with him. Try not to leave it alone at night. When you are not at home during the day, you can make up for it by taking care of it in the evening. Remember that the most important calming factor for cats is love.

Veterinarian Control

In some cases, no matter how much tranquilization is applied by individuals, cats may not correct their aggressive behavior. This can be the end of a permanent trauma, but it can also be a sign of a health problem. For this reason, you should definitely go to a veterinarian for persistent nervous behavior. If your little friend has a health problem, it will be revealed when examined by veterinarians. Finally, you may be interested in our Instagram page where we share posts about cats.

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