5 Things You Need to Know about British Shorthair Traits!
British Shorthair cats are very docile in terms of their character compared to other cat breeds. The fact that they adapt to individuals, get along well with other living things and adapt to their environment has made the bond between British Shorthair cats and humans strong today. So what is the British Shorthair cat breed and what are its characteristics? Although it is common knowledge that the origin of the British cat breed dates back to Great Britain, it actually dates back to the Egyptian civilization on the stage of history. It is the common opinion of historians that the first arrival of British cats in England took place with the invasion of the Romans. The British cat is one of the oldest known cat breeds. Moreover, despite the centuries that have passed, it has largely preserved the characteristics of its breed and has changed little. These changes are the result of crossbreeding with other breeds. Between 1914 and 1918, the Persian cat was crossed with the Persian cat, which gave it long hair.
1- What are the Characteristics of a British Shorthair Cat?
The British cat is the most common pet guest in homes today due to its physical structure and docility. According to a 2018 study, 67% of all cats adopted are British cats. Undoubtedly, the characteristics of their structure have a great influence on how they are loved. So what are British cat features? Here are the details!
- Male British Shorthair cats weigh between 5 and 10 kilos, while females weigh between 3.5-6.5 kilos.
- The head structure is round. They also have big eyes.
- British cats, which have short and soft hair structure, shed less than other breeds.
- They are characterized by docility, patience and tolerance. In this way, it establishes a healthy communication with other living beings and children in the house.
- Their voice is naive. They do not meow in high tones.
British Shorthair cats can live up to 20 years if they are well cared for. Health checks, the hygiene of their accommodation and the quality of the food consumed are some of the most important factors that determine their lifespan.
Why doesn’t a British Shorthair like to be held?
Although many people think that cats and dogs are just ‘animals’, this is not the case. They have certain characteristics, likes and dislikes, just like humans. It is often said that these breeds do not like to be held. In fact, it is often seen that they sleep alone somewhere in the house, let alone on your lap. In short, their presence and absence are never obvious. This is one of their classic behaviors. Not all cats are playful. Especially cats of this breed have problems with their knees at an advanced age. If they have pain, an older Brisith cat will not want to stand on your lap.
2- How to Care for a British Shorthair?
As mentioned earlier, with proper care, the British cat breed will be with you for many years. Even those with previous experience, let alone those who are keeping cats for the first time, are doing research on British care. What you need to do is quite simple in a few steps.
A- How Should British Shorthair Nutrition Be?
Just as every cat breed has its own feeding program, British Shorthair cats also need to be well-balanced in their diet. This is very important for them to have a healthy and long-term life. British cats have more muscle mass than other breeds. For this reason, the protein value of the food should be high. British cats that are regularly fed with high protein will have healthier development processes.
B- Regular Veterinary Control and Vaccinations
One of the main things you should pay attention to when you get a cat, dog or any other pet is their vaccinations. It is especially important for the British Shorthair to have a veterinary check-up without interruption. Cats of this breed can develop some chronic diseases at an advanced age. It is necessary to keep conditions such as kidney diseases and pain in the knees under control. Apart from chronic diseases, it is also important for cats to have different vaccinations such as internal and external parasites and tetanus. You should go regularly by sticking to your veterinarian’s follow-up list.
C- British Cleanliness
British cleanliness is divided into mouth and teeth, fur, ears and eyes. The first point that people miss is their mouth and teeth. Just as people brush their teeth, cats need to have their teeth brushed regularly. There are special toothbrushes for this. Ear care can be difficult to do personally. Although you can find cat ear lotion on the internet, it’s best to consult a veterinarian. Although white British is not a common color, a common characteristic of white cats is runny eyes. Cleaning under the eyes with special water will prevent yellowing. As for their hair, regular combing is not very necessary. Because their hair is almost non-existent compared to other cats. Nevertheless, they will like it if you brush them. However, you can give malt paste to prevent problems with the hair they swallow when they clean themselves.
3- What is the Difference between Scottish Fold and British Cat?
The Scottish Fold and the British Shorthair are often confused and confused cat breeds. However, there are clear distinctions between these two cats. Differences
- British is a British cat, Scottish originates from Scotland.
- The British have more size.
- Scottish Fold have small and curved ears.
- The Scottish are much easier to train.
- Scottish cats are more adaptable and do not become aggressive in their old age. But British cats can become aggressive towards their owners, especially when they get older.
4- British Shorthair Price List 2022
Those who want to make British a friend first investigate their prices. First of all, we argue that it is better to adopt animals, not buy them. You can act according to the buy-own-own precept. If you don’t have such an opportunity in your neighborhood, they can be obtained from some sales points or from the internet. There are variations in their prices. Rare colors and kittens are especially priced differently.
British Shorthair Puppy Price
British kittens are more cute and sweeter in appearance. These kittens often fetch a higher selling price. However, you can adopt a healthy British kitten (after the lactation period is completed) from a British cat that has just given birth in your neighborhood. There is no need to buy them.
5- How to Adopt a British Shorthair?
Cat adoption sites are offered to you with multiple options today. You can browse the adoption articles on our site. Especially people who do not have the power to care for cats who have given birth go to adoption. Veterinarians also reunite cats that have been injured or abandoned by their owners with new friends. You can browse their websites and consult veterinarians at this point. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTxI4EsZVB4