How to Adopt a Cat in 2022?


Adopting a cat may be one of the best decisions you will ever make! Cats have been in the lives of human beings almost since the first moment of their existence. Today, these rates have reached their highest level. Cats living in almost every house, street and neighborhood have an important role in social psychology. It is a complete therapy especially for individuals who feel loneliness. So what is cat adoption? How to adopt a cat? In this article, we have discussed the answers to the questions in detail…

Why Adopt a Cat? What are the Reasons for Adopting a Cat?

Cat Adoption

Basically, cats are the true owners of their habitats. Because human beings have spread over time and occupied the living spaces of cats as well as many other living creatures. For this reason, it has been quite easy for people to move to a common life with cats. The concept of individualized society, which is one of the biggest problems of the century we live in, and the asociality that emerged in parallel with this, triggered some new searches in people. Especially in recent years, the rate of loneliness and unhappiness has increased considerably worldwide. The phenomenon of making cat friends has emerged as a solution to color such a joyless life to some extent. Because one of the most basic needs of a human being is to socialize. Due to the anxiety of life in daily life, this socialization is often not realized at a sufficient level. At this point, cats, which are a good housemate and life companion, are a great option. There are many ways to adopt a cat. Shelters, streets and paid adoption methods are the most popular ones. We will discuss these elements in the rest of the article.

How to Adopt a Cat? Free Ways to Adopt a Cat!

The question of how to adopt a cat is one of the problematic issues that individuals frequently raise in daily life. It is useful to divide this issue into ethical and unethical. Ethical cat adoption is quite simple. As it is known, cats are creatures found in almost every street and neighborhood. There are no restrictions to adopt one of these tiny friends who struggle to spend their lives between buildings. The point to be considered here is that the adopted cat must be examined by a veterinarian. Because health problems such as bacteria and parasites can be observed in stray cats. Another element of ethical cat adoption is shelters. Today, there are many cat shelters established by volunteers. You can easily adopt a cat from these shelters without paying any fee. They also do not need to be taken to a veterinarian as they are regularly cared for.


Paid Breed Cat Adoption

One of the most preferred methods of cat adoption is paid adoption. The number of people who prefer this method, which is described as unethical cat adoption, is quite high. Generally, breed cats are adopted with this method and a certain fee must be paid. Although the paid cat adoption method is banned by the states, unfortunately, it has not been completely prevented.

Adopting an Adult Cat or a Kitten?

Before adopting a cat for free, people are torn between two situations: adult and kitten adoption. If somehow a cat is looking for a home, true animal lovers don’t really care whether it is a kitten or an adult. Because it will be enough for you to find your cat. However, if you need to make a distinction here; if you want to make a long-term adoption, it would be better to choose kittens. Here, the kitten must reach the size where it is separated from the mother’s milk. Apart from that, you can also adopt an adult cat if it is an urgent adoption. There will not be a big difference.


Things to Consider Before Adopting a Disabled Cat!

If you don’t mind having a disabled cat or have previous experience, you won’t have a big problem. On the contrary, you can be a new and warm home for cats that are nowadays abandoned due to disabilities. Before you make the choice to adopt a disabled cat:

  • It should be realized that they will not move like healthy cats.
  • Extra care should be taken when caring for cats with disabilities.
  • You should keep vet checks more frequent.
  • If you don’t even have experience of keeping a healthy cat, you should not choose it lightly.
  • You should show more interest.
  • Since they will not be able to meet their needs as much as possible, you should always be at home and with them.


Don’t Buy, Adopt!

There are millions of cats in our country and around the world. These stray cats struggle to survive in harsh street conditions. They need a warm home, love and food. Unfortunately, making paid cat friends is a wrong approach. According to the hadiths on this very subject, it is reported that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) also adopted a cat. The Prophet named this cat Müezza. In addition, paid cat ownership increases the production of breed cats. And it is a negative situation when breeds of cats that should not be kept in perpetuity are bred for sale. For example, Scottish Fold cats are one of them. You can have detailed information about the subject by reading our article titled ‘Scottish Fold Cat Breed’. If you wish, you can find up-to-date information about cats on our Kedi Sevgisi Instagram account!–IDhITE


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