Is Milk Given to Cats? Can a 2-month-old kitten be given milk?


Can cats be given milk? Can a 2-month-old kitten be given milk? Is it harmful to give milk to kittens? There are many rumors about cats in society. Although these rumors are often not true, they can cause a widespread orientation. One of them, and even the most important one, is that cats drink milk. Most cat owners have surely come across sentences such as that milk is good for cats, that it supports their development process. But how true is this? Can cats be given milk? Let’s examine it together…

Can Cats Be Given Milk? Is Cow’s Milk Given to Kittens?

Can I Give Milk to Cats?

Cats drinking milk is a common theme around the world. In fact, we often see this element in magazines, movies and cartoons. A cat is shown quite happy while licking a bowl full of milk. Yes, cats are happy drinking milk, but it’s worth noting that it’s a health risk for cats to drink milk. Also, cats already get the amount of milk they need from their mothers during their kittenhood. There is no need for a supplementary food. In adulthood, they already meet all their nutritional needs through food. For this reason, we can say with certainty that milk is of no benefit to cats. The answer to the question of whether to give milk to kittens and adult cats will be a clear no.

Why Should Cats Not Drink Milk? What Happens When Cats Drink Milk?


Milk is not a good choice for cats. Especially cow’s milk is a type of food that cats should not consume. Considering this, we can answer the question of whether milk is given to cats with a definite no. Because cats do not have a structure in their intestinal structure that can digest lactose. Although some cats have a structure that can digest lactose, this is a very limited group and accordingly, it would not be right to put cats at risk by consuming milk. Another example of why cats shouldn’t drink milk is the high fat content of this food. Cats love milk because of this fat content. However, this fat does nothing for their health and is known to trigger problems such as obesity.

Can Cats Drink Lactose-Free Milk? Can Cats Be Given Lactose-Free Milk?


We have already explained that there are no positive aspects of milk consumption for adult cats, but supplementary milk is recommended in cases where kittens are weaned from their mother’s milk prematurely. If this is the case, the milk given to the cat must be lactose-free. It is also important that the formulas are suitable for cat consumption. In short, we can answer the question of whether lactose-free dairy products can be given milk to cats as yes, but the content of the milk must be suitable for the cat. One of the common questions about milk consumption of cats is ‘Do cats drink chocolate milk’. The only answer to this question will be absolutely no. Because everything with artificial additives in its structure is harmful for cats.

Can I Give Diluted Milk to a Kitten?

It has been stated that the answer to the question of whether milk should be given to cats is no, as long as it is lactose-free. If you don’t have the means to buy lactose-free milk in your area, then you can try reconstituted milk. Here, in order to minimize the harm to cats, what you need to do is to dilute the amount of milk by adding water.

I gave the cat milk, what should I do?

In the first stage, there is not much you can do. If your cat has already drunk the milk, all you can do is observe. There is no direct fatal effect. But it can cause some changes in the body, such as diarrhea. At this point, you can observe and see if there is any harm to your cat.


If your cat is experiencing changes and it has been more than 24 hours, you can try taking it to the vet. Don’t force your cat to eat extra and different foods to break the effect of the milk. At the same time, don’t stress yourself. Cats can feel this and become sluggish and unhappy.

What to Give a Kitten?

In the research on whether kittens are given milk, people who learn that milk should not be given to kittens fall into the research of what to give to kittens. To kittens:

  • Lactose-free milk,
  • Special wet food for kittens,
  • Special dry food for kittens,
  • Lactose-free yogurt,
  • Cheese with a soft consistency,
  • The mother can give cat milk.

Those that should be strictly avoided are cow’s milk, spicy home cooking, sausages, salami, pepperoni, fried foods, sugary-sweet foods. This list can be extended even further. However, it is useful to be extra careful about the nutrition of kittens. If you like this topic, you may also be interested in our article titled ‘Does 1 Month Old Kitten Eat Yogurt? It should also be noted that we also have a Cat Love page for Instagram users.

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