Why is the Sphinx Cat Hairless? 2022 Sphinx Cat Prices
The Sphinx cat is one of the most distinctive cat species in the world. Thanks to its unique physical structure and its resemblance to the cats of ancient Egypt, it has managed to attract the attention of cat lovers. You can find detailed information about sphinx cat characteristics and sphinx cat care in this article…
Where was the Sphinx Cat Breed Found?
The Sphinx is a cat breed best known for being hairless. However, it also has many other unknown characteristics. The most important of these is its closeness and bond with its owner. First discovered in Canada, this cat breed has been the subject of Greek mythology many times. Although its appearance is frightening for many people, these tiny paws are actually docile and sweet, just like other cats.
What are the characteristics of the Sphinx Cat?
Compared to other cats, the Sphinx cat breed stands out for being docile and loyal. They always greet their owners at the door and never leave their side for a moment. This attitude is the same not only to their owners but also to all other guests. In terms of behavior, it is definitely among the cat breeds to be adopted. Their food consumption is the same as a standard cat. They are fed dry food and have toilet habits. They also have a playful personality. With this feature, they are indispensable for families with children. In fact, Sphinx cat breeds are frequently recommended by psychologists today. Because it acts as a kind of therapy for individuals and especially children.
We can detail the characteristics of the Sphinx cat in a few points:
- An adult Sphinx cat weighs an average of 4 kilograms.
- It has a leather structure suitable for all colors.
- The skin is completely hairless. Some species may have a few hairs.
- There is no problem such as shedding.
- It is easy to feed. It can consume the same type of food as an ordinary cat.
How to Care for a Sphinx Cat?
Although Sphinx cats are easy to care for, they require a little more attention than other breeds. Especially due to their oily skin structure, they need to be bathed at regular intervals. The bathing habit should be taken care of especially during the kittenhood period. Because if it is too late, adult Sphinx cats will not want to take a bath. On the other hand, dental care is important after bathing. By brushing their teeth every day, it is ensured that their oral health is at a good level. Sphinx cats are long-lived cats when they are cared for properly and their minimum needs are adequately met. A healthy Sphinx cat breed lives for about 15 years. In this article, we have provided information about the Sphinx cat.
Why is the Sphinx Cat Hairless?
Sphinx cat breeds seem strange to people at first sight. Some people like the fact that they don’t have the usual cat hair and their skin is directly visible, while others don’t. However, the general question is why these cats are hairless. Basically, there is a very simple answer. These cat breeds represent specially bred cat breeds. They don’t exist in nature on their own. Rather, they are the result of humans crossing different cat breeds. They are also called ‘laboratory cats’. They are hairless because they are breed cats and are the result of human research.
Is There a Hairy Sphinx Cat?
This special breed is almost hairless. They never have the usual cat appearance. Some cats have very, very little hair. But this is not like classic cat hair. It is very fine and not noticeable from a distance. In any case, the skin is directly visible.
How to Adopt a Sphinx Cat? Are There Pharaoh Cats in Turkey?
These breeds, also known as pharaoh cats, have many lovers and enthusiasts as well as haters. Research and adoptions are looked at on the internet just for this. The Sphinx cat breed is not a common cat to see in Turkey. And even very rare people have them because they are paid for adoption. It is not possible to adopt a Sphinx cat for free. Although the sale of cats in our country has started to be banned and is considered unethical, underhand sales are still going on today. These cats are also available for sale. However, they are more common in European countries rather than Turkey.
2022 Sphinx Cat Price Info
The prices of this cat, which is not welcomed by everyone to be cared for and owned by everyone, are basically not suitable for every budget. Since they are a special cat breed, they are brought to their owners with high prices. Average prices start from 3000 TL and can reach up to 5000 TL. If you want to get information about other cat breeds, you can take a look at our category titled ‘Cat Breeds and Characteristics’. You can check current and detailed information about cats from our Cat Love account. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwkFYDgX4w8