How to Care for 1 Week Old Motherless Kittens?

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How to care for motherless kittens? How to feed a motherless kitten? The ideal time for a kitten to be separated from its mother is 8 to 10 weeks. Because feeding them with breast milk during this period forms the basis of their health in their later years. However, in some cases, kittens can become motherless in a very short time. The mother’s unwillingness to breastfeed the kitten, the kitten’s inability to suckle, or newborn cats taken from the street are examples of these situations. So what should be done in these cases? How to care for motherless kittens? You can find answers to all these questions and more in the rest of the article…

Can a Kitten Survive Without a Mother?

How to Care for Motherless Kittens?

First of all, it should be noted that kittens should never be taken from their mothers before 8 to 10 weeks of age. This is because the nutrients in the milk they suck during this period are vital for them. Kittens taken early are vulnerable to many health problems. In cases arising from necessity, some obligations fall on individuals. If the responsibility of these tiny creatures is assumed and their care is taken care of properly, they can become a healthy adult cat. Otherwise, a situation resulting in death may be faced.

How to Care for Motherless Kittens?

Over 4 weeks old, the care of motherless kittens is simpler than for other age groups. If you are faced with a motherless kitten under 4 weeks old, you should search for a wet nurse and use the power of social media. In case the milk mother cannot be found, all the responsibility is on your shoulders. So how to care for motherless kittens? It is possible to summarize this issue under several headings:

  • Warming Problems Kittens are poor at maintaining their body temperature. For this reason, their body temperature should be kept at a certain level with the help of a warm room or blanket. In addition, it would be best to consult a veterinarian in case warming cannot be achieved.
  • Feeding Problems Kittens are not yet mature enough to think about eating. This can be accomplished with milk powders sold at veterinarians. It should also be remembered that each meal should be given 3 hours apart.
  • Toilet Problems: Normally, mothers clean their kittens’ feces by licking their genitals. For motherless kittens, owners should do this after each meal.
  • Flea Problem Flea problem is common in motherless kittens. In order to avoid this problem, it is essential to take the cat to the vet.
  • Transition to Semi-Solid Food: It is important to feed milk for the first 4 weeks, following veterinary instructions. Afterwards, kitten food can be wetted with water and made into a mushy food consistency and offered. In this way, both nutritional needs and water needs are met. motherless-puppy-cat


A- How to Feed Motherless Kittens? What to Give to a Kitten?

To feed a motherless kitten, it is first necessary to estimate how old it is. If it is very small, it is advisable not to go straight to solid food at this point. One of the most common mistakes is giving milk to kittens. However, milk is not suitable for their digestive system. It must be lactose-free or diluted with water equal to the amount of milk. At this point, if possible, it is necessary to find a cat that has just given birth. If the adult mother cat accepts the kitten, she will allow it to be fed, thus helping it to grow as it should. Otherwise, cat milk is sold at veterinarians or other outlets. You can also feed with them.


B- Should a 1-Week-Old Cat be Bathed?

If you find a kitten outside and it is dirty, you should never wash it, no matter how dirty it is. Especially if the kitten has only been born for a week or so, you can cause it to lose its life. This is because such a small kitten cannot even regulate its own temperature. Washing it, regardless of the temperature, will not be good for it.


C- Newborn Kitten Toilet Care

Contrary to popular belief, newborn cats do not know how to go to the toilet. They are intervened by their mother cats to help them go to the toilet. If the motherless kitten is very small and has not learned this behavior from its mother, you need to intervene. It will be enough to make small wiping movements with a cotton ball moistened with warm water. You can contact the veterinarian for a more detailed explanation.


What are the Developmental Stages of Motherless Kittens?

Kittens open their normally closed eyes between 8 and 12 days. Their body weight reaches 1.5 times their birth weight by the end of the first week. Eye color changes frequently. Initially blue eyes may turn green or brown by the end of the 3rd month. By the end of the 3rd week, kittens begin to walk, and by the end of the 4th week, they have their baby teeth. However, the developmental stages of motherless kittens may be slightly less than a normal cat. This is because breast milk is the main factor that accelerates development in this process. If a cat is deprived of breast milk, it may develop physically later than its peers.


How to Silence the Crying of a Kitten Separated from its Mother, What to Do?

You may often hear motherless kittens making a sound similar to crying. Often this sound can be unbearably sad and upsetting. But the kitten is aware that it is motherless, so it will make this sound. If you provide the care that the mother cat provides and reduce the stress, you may find that the crying stops.

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