At What Temperature Do Cats Chill? Ideal Cat Body Temperature Chart

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Cats need to maintain a certain body temperature in order to maintain their vital functions. At what temperature do cats get cold? is therefore a valuable question. Every cat lover or adopter needs to know at what temperature these tiny paws can live. If you feel the unusual temperature when petting a cat on the street or stroking a paw at home, you can easily tell if they are cold or not and seek a solution accordingly. Cats’ thick, dense fur often misleads people about one thing. That is the misconception that cats don’t get cold. Winter is coming and we need to get rid of the belief that cats don’t get cold. Of course they can get cold and even die from the cold, just like us humans. Their fur contributes to their warmth, but you can think of it as a thin layer of human clothing. In winter, thin clothes do not protect us from the cold. But at what temperature do cats get cold? Up to what temperature can their bodies withstand? What should be done to prevent cats from dying from the cold? You are now in our article where we explain it all.

At What Temperature Do Cats Get Cold?

Heat Resistance of Cats

With few exceptions, all cat breeds love the heat. But that doesn’t mean too hot. There is an ideal temperature. The ideal cat body temperature should be between 38.5 and 38.9. Cats get extremely cold at body temperatures below 38.0 degrees. They are at risk of hypothermia, which can even lead to death. Likewise, above 39.0 degrees Celsius is a problem that physicians emphasize with caution. Your pet may be suffering from an infectious condition. In both cases of negative body temperature, you should consult your veterinarian. Here’s a list of ideal cat body temperatures to keep in mind.

Temperature chart showing how cold cats will get:

  • 36 degrees – the cat gets cold
  • 1 degree – The cat gets cold
  • 2 degrees – The cat gets cold
  • 3 degrees – The cat gets cold
  • 4 degrees – The cat gets cold
  • 5 degrees – the cat gets cold
  • 37 degrees – the cat gets cold
  • 1 degree – The cat gets cold
  • 2 degrees – The cat gets cold
  • 3 degrees – The cat gets cold
  • 4 degrees – The cat gets cold
  • 4 degrees – The cat gets cold
  • 5 degrees – the cat gets cold
  • 6 degrees – the cat gets cold
  • 7 degrees – the cat gets cold
  • 8 degrees – the cat gets cold
  • 9 degrees – the cat gets cold

Table of ideal body temperatures for cats:

  • 38 degrees – Ideal cat body temperature
  • 1 degree – Ideal cat body temperature
  • 2 degrees – Ideal cat body temperature
  • 3 degrees – Ideal cat body temperature
  • 4 degrees – Ideal cat body temperature
  • 5 degrees – Ideal cat body temperature
  • 6 degrees – Ideal cat body temperature
  • 7 degrees – Ideal cat body temperature
  • 8 degrees – Ideal cat body temperature
  • 9 degrees – Ideal cat body temperature

The body temperature of a newborn kitten is not the same as that of an adult cat. In the first moments, kittens’ body temperature can drop to 35 – 36 degrees. Their mothers usually take them under to increase their body temperature. But sometimes this is not enough on their own. You also need to wrap them with a warm blanket. Remember that a kitten that cannot raise its temperature goes into hypothermia and the result is death. Now, in the rest of the article, we will find a more comprehensive answer to the question at what temperature do cats get cold?

At What Temperature Do Cats Get Cold?

How Cold Can Cats Endure?

Although cats are resistant to the cold thanks to their fur, this doesn’t mean that it will completely defend them. Even if there is a difference of a few degrees, cats get cold in the same weather that humans get cold. For example, if you are cold when you go out on the balcony and your cat lives on the balcony, you know that the little paw is also quite cold. For this reason, it is not recommended to keep cats on the balcony in winter. Sheds or warm floors are also insufficient to maintain the cat’s body temperature on balconies. The risk of hypothermia arises. We have prepared our article on Hypothermia Symptoms in Cats in detail on this subject. You can read it. Cats can withstand a maximum of 20 – 25 degrees cold in winter. Their winter coats can withstand up to these levels. Although tabby cats can withstand 10 – 15 degrees cold on the street, they cannot live in this cold for a long time. For this reason, the kennels placed on the streets are very valuable. Once inside, they can keep their body temperature at an ideal level. A cat without a home can face hypothermia below 10 degrees Celsius. It is important to put blankets or boxes of blankets or huts on the streets as much as you can.

How Many Degrees of Heat Can Cats Endure?

At what temperature do cats get cold? You should know how many degrees of heat they can withstand as well as the question. Cats do not like extreme heat. That’s why they live in the bathroom in the summer months, in the shade in the far corner of the house. They constantly need a cool and shady place. This is also the reason why they never leave the air conditioner for long hours when you turn it on. Based on their body temperature, they cannot tolerate above 38.9 degrees. The ambient temperature above 40 degrees is not ideal for them to live healthy lives. Make sure they take plenty of cool showers in hot weather. Also make sure that the air conditioner does not hit their bodies directly. You definitely don’t want them to get sick. Also, keep their water bowls refreshed with cold water. If you can, you can also add ice from time to time.

At What Temperature Do Cats Die?

Winter fur is not enough for a cat to survive in extreme cold. It’s obvious that they need some extra help. Try a few things to keep them warm in winter. For example, a cat bed is a good choice. When you are not at home and the boiler is not running, your cat can easily create its own warm living space here. On the other hand, make sure to close the doors and windows. You will prevent him from catching a cold. Cats die if they fall below a body temperature of 35 to 36 degrees. Ambient temperatures below 10 degrees are in the extremely risky category. Of course, their body temperature will not drop immediately due to the cold. But if they stay in a place below 10 degrees for a long time, they are in a serious risk group. The consequences can even be death due to hypothermia.

At what temperature do cats die? and that is exactly the answer to the question.

At What Temperature Do Cats Get Cold?

Being cold is not the same as hypothermia. A cat may experience short periods of chills. In a short period of time, it can bring its own temperature to an ideal level. But if a cat is exposed to prolonged cold, hypothermia occurs. It is a serious condition. Today, more than 30% of cat deaths in winter are caused by hypothermia. This is a considerably high rate.

It’s up to you to keep your cat from getting cold. Here are some of the things you need to do for this:

  • Put a warm nest and a blanket.
  • Make sure that the room temperature is ideal for indoor cats.
  • Do not keep a cat on the balcony.
  • Do not place toilets or food bowls in cold areas such as balconies.
  • Do not bathe with cold water in winter. Warm water is the best choice. You should also dry your cat after bathing in winter.
  • You can use winter wool clothes. It is important that these are healthy and not uncomfortable for the cat.

As you can see, the solution to the question of how cold cats get is quite simple. With a few practical applications, you can protect their health. If you experience a temperature rise above or below the above-mentioned levels, don’t forget to visit the vet.


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