What Do Cats Eat? 4 Great Foods Other Than Dry Food
The first thing that individuals who want to adopt a cat wonder is ‘what do cats eat? Some people may even think that the food of little friends is the same as the human menu. However, even though they come from natural life, they need special menus for nutrition. For this reason, before adopting a cat, you should not forget that you are also taking responsibility for their nutrition. Today, there are foods specially produced for cats. The main feature of these foods is that they can meet the daily protein, carbohydrate and other nutritional needs of cats. Just as we humans get our daily protein needs from foods such as milk, eggs and chicken, cats meet these needs from dry foods. But the foods that tiny paws eat are not just dry food. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive answer to the question What do cats eat? We wish you a pleasant reading…
How to Feed Cats?
Cats are picky about food. They don’t like most foods on the market. For this reason, it may take some time to find the right and favorite food for your cat. However, dry food is not the only food that our little friends consume and meet their nutritional needs. It should not be forgotten that pets need to meet their daily nutritional needs completely. Otherwise, health problems are inevitable. What do cats eat? you will find the answer to your question below…
1. Meat Products
Cats get the protein minerals they need best from meat products. Because they are carnivores. However, giving them raw meat is a harmful and inadvisable practice nowadays as their natural habitat is diminishing. We have detailed how to offer them meat in Homemade Food Recipes for Cats. Other alternatives for what cats eat are chicken, fish and turkey meat as well as red meat. But you should make sure that it is not too often and that it is not raw. You should also make sure that the meat is lean. Fried meat is not recommended by experts. The most ideal cooking method is boiling.
2. Egg
Eggs are one of the most important sources of protein for humans. This is also true for cats. And most cats also love the flavor of eggs. The key is to cook the egg completely and serve it in small portions. There is a common misconception that raw eggs are good for cats. Never offer raw eggs to tiny paws.
3. Dairy Products
Pets have a very sensitive digestive system. For this reason, it is not recommended that they consume raw milk. If you’re wondering what cats eat in dairy products, the ideal answer is yogurt. Giving small amounts of yogurt will benefit them in many ways. For starters, constipation is prevented. You can also choose cheese, but make sure it’s fat-free and unsalted.
4. Vegetables and Fruits
Although cats are carnivores by nature, they are very happy to eat vegetables and fruits. In addition, the benefits are also considerable. You should definitely prefer vegetables and fruits in their diet. Watermelon is good for cats’ eye diseases, for example. Likewise, strawberry products are good for their immune system, while apples help them eliminate ingested hairs through feces.
What Do Stray Cats Eat and Drink?
Stray cats are the creatures most at risk of malnutrition. These tiny friends, trapped in concrete far from their natural habitat, have difficulty finding their own food. Although municipalities provide food support, this is insufficient today. For this reason, you can supplement them with simple foods at home. What do stray cats eat and drink? If you are wondering, you can feed them foods such as green beans, zucchini, carrots and bananas. In addition, do not forget to give them water.
What Do Cats Eat Besides Food?
As we mentioned in the What do cats eat question, our little friends can consume many different types of food other than dry food. Red meat, eggs, yogurt and fish are ideal. You should also give them vegetables and fruits. It is also important for their health that they consume cereals at certain intervals. We tried to provide you with useful information in our article on what cats eat. If you like it, you may be interested in our topic Does Cat Feather Cyst? You are also invited to the Cat Love social media account for your comments and opinions.