Vitamin Deficiency Symptoms and Vitamin Supplementation in Cats

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Vitamin deficiency symptoms and vitamin supplementation in cats is an issue that greatly affects the health and quality of life of our little friends. Because vitamins are as important for cats as they are for us humans. If they are not met in sufficient amounts, it can cause permanent health effects. For this reason, it is one of the main duties of us owners to pay attention to whether the vitamin needs of pets are met in their diet. There are two main factors that cause vitamin deficiency in cats. The first one is an unhealthy diet. The fact that a cat meets its daily nutritional needs does not mean that it has a quality diet. When choosing food, the vitamin content should also be taken into consideration. You may be interested in our article on the Best Cat Food Brands of 2022. Another factor that triggers this problem is health problems. The health problem experienced by the cat can prevent the vitamins it takes from being synthesized in the body. In this article, we shared detailed information about cat vitamins.

Symptoms of Vitamin Deficiency in Cats

Symptoms of Vitamin Deficiency in Cats

Symptoms of vitamin deficiency in cats vary depending on the type of vitamin deficiency. Vitamins A, B and D are commonly observed. If such a problem is encountered, veterinarians should be consulted. Because when this problem is neglected, it can cause irreparable permanent damage. So what symptoms occur in which vitamin? Here are the details…

Vitamin A Deficiency and Symptoms in Cats

Vitamin A is important for eye health in humans. It’s the same in cats. It also plays a major role in the efficient functioning of the immune system. Since it is fat soluble, it is largely stored in the liver. An important point is that too little is harmful and too much is also a problem.

  • Blindness at night,
  • Decreased hair quality and skin problems,
  • Problems with the muscular system,
  • Sudden and extreme emaciation are signs of vitamin A deficiency in cats.

Vitamin B Deficiency and Symptoms in Cats

Vitamin B is very important for tiny paws. This problem often occurs with prolonged use of poor quality dry and wet food. For this reason, the diet should be well balanced and vitamin supplements should be given when necessary. Symptoms of vitamin deficiency in cats include the following:

  • Problems with balance in body functions,
  • Different and unstable gait,
  • The head is constantly tilted forward,
  • Dilated pupils,
signs of vitamin-b-deficiency in cats
Vitamin B Deficiency and Symptoms in Cats

Vitamin D Deficiency and Symptoms in Cats

Vitamin D is essential for the balance of calcium and phosphorus minerals in the cat’s body. It is fat soluble and must be consumed at the ideal rate. Otherwise, triggering health problems will be inevitable. In short, we would not be wrong if we say the best cat vitamin.

  • Problems with the cat’s muscular system,
  • There are problems in the nervous system,
  • Heart failure may occur,
  • Bone softening may occur,

Vitamin Supplements for Cats

If the cat has been diagnosed with vitamin deficiency by a veterinarian, vitamin supplements can be given. Again, this is done under the guidance of the veterinarian. Today, there are vitamin supplements specially formulated for tiny paws. You can also give your cat vitamin supplements not only in case of discomfort, but also to strengthen them during certain periods. There is no need to wait for signs of vitamin deficiency in cats.

How to give vitamins to a cat? the importance of the question comes to the fore here. Generally, pets don’t like to stray from the flavors they’re used to. For this reason, they may refuse vitamins. First, familiarize your cat with the packaging of the vitamin for a while. You can often even mix it with treats or wet food and offer it to them. In this way, you will have answered the question of how to eliminate vitamin deficiency in cats. If you liked our article, you are invited to our Instagram account.

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