When Do Cats Shed Hair?
When do cats shed? Everyone who is intimate with cats has encountered the question at least once in their life. Because cats are usually extremely hairy creatures and shedding is inevitable when certain situations occur. Sometimes this situation can even reach dimensions that can disturb individuals. In this article, we have compiled information about shedding and its most common periods… There are many different issues that cause cats to shed. Temperature, seasons, the quality of the food consumed and psychological factors are some examples. Each cat has a different level of shedding. With some cats, you can see a tuft of hair in your hand as soon as you pet them. In some cats, you can stroke them for hours and not even see a single hair. So when do cats shed? Let’s examine together…
Hair Loss in Cats
Just because cats shed does not mean that they are unhealthy creatures. Healthy cats can shed too. This is normal in their nature. But sometimes some factors can trigger more shedding. Intense shedding both disturbs individuals and puts the cat’s health at risk. If you are facing a problem such as ‘My cat sheds a lot’, the information in the following article will be useful for you.
When Do Kittens Shed Hair?
There is no age for shedding in cats. After birth, shedding can start as soon as the mother dries her kitten’s fur. This is quite natural. Because the immune and body resistance structures of tiny kittens are not yet sufficiently developed. This results in hair loss on their skin. In addition, we can clarify when cats shed in a few points.
- When cats shed depends largely on their breed. Each breed has a different hair structure. One of the most shedding cats today is the British Longhair.
- The amount and frequency of shedding is also proportional to the cat’s age. In particular, cats entering old age experience more hair loss as their body structure declines.
- Cats shed the most during the summer months. This is because the hot weather required for this process to take place is abundant in the summer months in our country. July and August are the ideal months for this process.
- We have already mentioned that temperature is a trigger factor for shedding. For this reason, hot boilers in winter also trigger shedding. Although not as often as in summer, shedding is also common in winter.
How to Prevent Cats from Shedding?
The fact that cats shed hair is often considered strange and a problem. However, this is normal in their nature. However, if it is overdone, it can be difficult to live together. In order to solve this problem, first of all, you need to know when cats shed. If you think that your cat sheds a lot of hair outside of the periods mentioned above, we recommend that you comb your little friend frequently. This way, you will collect hairs whose roots are weakened and are potential candidates for falling out. Another important method to reduce shedding is to give the cat plenty of water to drink. Make sure the bowl is clean and put in as much fresh water as you can. Cats that drink a lot of water are less likely to shed hair. For more detailed and different information, you can visit our Instagram page… You may be interested: Why is a cat electrocuted when you touch it?