Do Cats Get Their Period? Does a 5-month-old female cat menstruate?

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Do cats get their period? The question is one of the most curious topics for female cat owners. It is quite natural for first-time cat owners not to know about menstruation in cats. Very different behaviors are seen especially in cats that enter the heat period. This is usually interpreted that the cat is menstruating. But do cats really menstruate? In this article, we have covered all aspects of menstruation in cats.

What is the Heat Cycle? Do Cats Get Their Period?

Do Cats Get Their Period?

When a cat enters a cycle of anger, it acts in a very impatient and yet affectionate manner. It rolls on the floor, rubs against its owner’s legs and sometimes even tries to leave the house. It also meows frequently during the day. These are also an indication of the question of whether cats menstruate. The menstrual cycle of cats occurs during the heat period and during this period they have a strong need to mate. The heat cycle lasts for about 10 days.

What are the Signs of Menstruation in Cats?

Female cats do not show signs of menstruation with very different behavior. There will usually be a brown discharge. Apart from that, you can actually recognize that this period has come by the signs of heat. Pooping around, rubbing against the walls and trying to leave her scent are just a few of them. Once in heat, you can see the discharge coming in just a few days. This is especially noticeable in light-coated female cats. However, it may not be as easy to notice in dark cats. Because there is no intense bleeding.


When Do Female Cats Get Their Period?

Female cats reach sexual maturity early. This is usually considered to be around 6 to 7 months of age. Different types of behavior are observed in cats going into heat for the first time. The answer to the question of whether cats menstruate occurs here. Yes, cats menstruate. But the process is not the same as in humans. Cats don’t have menstrual cycles. Instead, they have a heat cycle. In short, when your female cat goes into heat, she is actually menstruating.

What Causes Cats to Go into Heat?

There is an idea that cats usually go into heat in March. However, this is incorrect. Cats come into heat every 3 weeks. This is also an important consideration when it comes to whether cats menstruate. Because, just like the menstrual cycle in humans, the menstrual cycle of cats occurs when they go into heat. The only reason cats go into heat is because they feel the need to reproduce by nature. This cycle continues for periods of about 3-4 weeks. Since the heat period is also the cat’s menstrual phase, it is also a matter of curiosity whether there will be blood. But cats do not bleed during heat. If you see blood spots during this period, you should contact a veterinarian immediately. Thus, we have detailed all aspects of the issue of whether cats menstruate.


Curiosities about whether cats menstruate can appear in the form of many different questions. This is important for new cat owners. For this reason, we have answered some questions about menstruation in cats.

How Many Days Does Menstruation Last in Cats? How Long Does Menstruation Last in Cats?

The duration of menstruation in female cats is considered to be about 6-7 days. Your cat


Depending on the structure of the cat, there may be differences in this period. As we have already mentioned in our previous article on whether cats menstruate, cats menstruate differently to humans. The menstruation of tiny paws is their heat cycle. On average, they go into heat every 3 weeks.

Why Does a Cat Bleed? Why Does Female Cats Bleed?

Blood from a cat can often be interpreted as menstrual blood. But this is a wrong approach. Cats do not have menstrual blood. There may be rare blood spotting during heat and this is not a natural occurrence. It is probably a sign of a health problem in your cat. This is why it is important to contact your veterinarian.

Is Menstrual Bleeding Normal in Cats?


The normality of this situation is being investigated as much as the question of whether cats menstruate. It is a very normal situation. It is the reaction of cats to hormonal changes in the face of this natural situation. During the rutting period, menstruation is experienced in order to become ready for mating and reproduction. In cats, menstruation serves similar purposes as in humans.

Does a Neutered Cat Menstruate?

Neutered cats do not go into heat. Because hormonal change and mating desire does not occur. At this point, it is quite possible to say that if you have a spayed female cat, she will not menstruate. The answer to the question of whether female cats who have not been spayed will menstruate will be yes. If you liked this article, you may be interested in ‘Mistakes Made by Cat Owners’. In addition, we invite you to our Instagram Cat Love page.


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