How to Eliminate Male Cat Urine Odor? Does Changing Food Help?
There are many animal lovers who are researching how to remove male cat urine odor . Because the smell of cat urine is very unpleasant because it is a very heavy odor. It is not easy to get rid of this odor. Especially if the cat has urinated on fabric areas such as carpets, beds and armchairs, it may take a lot of effort to clean it. Male cats may randomly spray odor everywhere to mark their territory during heat. This odor is so strong and foul that it can be torture to be in that environment. Often, even cleaning doesn’t help and the odor lingers for days afterward.
Cleaning Cats’ Urine Odor
As soon as you see cats spraying odor, it must be cleaned. If it is not cleaned, it dries up and cannot be located. If you can’t find where the odor comes from, you can follow the cat and find where it urinates. Because cats usually urinate again where they leave odor. To get rid of the problem of how to remove male cat urine odor, you can do the following;
For cleaning, you can use simple cleaners such as vinegar, baking soda and disinfectants that are available in every household.
You can wipe the urine with vinegar water. In a few days, you will see that both the vinegar and the urine odor disappear.
Disinfectants available in pet stores can also be used to remove urine odor from various parts of the house.
The areas where cat urine has been found need to be cleaned very well. You may think that the odor disappears, but cats have a very strong sense of smell, so they can pick up odors that you cannot. And they may urinate in the same place again.
Ammonia-containing cleaners should not be used for cleaning cat urine.
Why do cats spray urine?
By nature, male cats spray urine in certain places to mark their territory where they live. Female cats, on the other hand, leave odors around to indicate to male cats that they want to mate. If you do not want to deal with a problem such as how to remove male cat urine odor, you can neuter your cat after the 6th month. Since neutered cats will not go into heat again, they will not need to mark their territory.
How to Eliminate Male Cat Urine Odor? Does Changing Food Help? We have come to the end of our article. If you have anything you want to add for this article or if you want to ask about your cat, you can specify in the comments section. Also, do not forget to review our most frequently asked article Why Do Cats Have Long Whiskers?