Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Cat Depression
Cat depression is a topic that most paw friends don’t know about. Nowadays, there are many people who never think that cats can have psychological problems. It is forgotten that they have a sensitive nature and can sometimes experience great fractures even at the slightest event. Unrecognized mental problems can cause problems for the little paws in the long run. For this reason, we have created a detailed article. Thanks to the informative information, your view of your cat will change. Today, cats are in the first place among the animals that share the same living space with humans around the world. The biggest factor in this is undoubtedly the fact that they don’t need to go out on the streets like dogs. Since they are toilet trained, they meet their needs in designated areas at home. In fact, this is a good opportunity for working individuals. However, this is not the case for cats that stay alone at home. This is because pets can have psychological problems when they are away from their owners for a long time. This is called feline depression in medicine. Just like humans, cats can also become depressed periodically. But as expected, our little friends can’t tell people about such problems. They live inside themselves. Partly, they show it by making a difference in their routine behavior. In fact, one of the main duties of cat owners is to observe their little paws well and quickly notice the slightest change in them. This way, problems can be solved in a shorter time. In fact, the signs of depression are quite simple. They exhibit unusual behaviors that will catch the eye. We have detailed what these are in the rest of the article.
Symptoms of Cat Depression
Symptoms of feline depression are when a cat is experiencing a psychological breakdown and expresses it through unusual behavior. Symptoms may vary in each pet. For this reason, it is essential to consult a veterinarian at the slightest change. Early diagnosis is very important to prevent the growth of depression. Exhibiting different behaviors during periods of psychological distress is not unique to cats, but also to us humans. In fact, it is only possible to diagnose a depressive state through behavioral analysis. So what kind of symptoms are seen? Here is the answer…
Symptoms of a cat with depression:
- They may run away from you without any reason or sudden movement.
- It can hide in nooks and crannies for long periods of time. Sometimes it does not come out of its hiding place for hours.
- They may lick their hair or genital area more than usual. Often these licks can result in sores on the body.
- Sometimes he doesn’t lick himself at all. This means that he is unable to maintain his hygiene.
- During periods of depression, cats shed very intensely. Sometimes you find a tuft in your hand when you pet them.
- He/she is seen to deviate from his/her toilet habits. Very rarely or more often. He/she may also sometimes leave feces in unwanted and unfamiliar places in the house instead of his/her own toilet bowl.
- He often licks objects in his habitat for no apparent reason.
These symptoms of feline depression can be a sign of a different condition. For this reason, it is useful to take the cat to a full veterinary practice. This way, the source of the problem can be clearly diagnosed. There may also be symptoms that are not listed here. As we mentioned before, you are the best people to notice the behavioral disorder in your cat. Get to know your little friend well. This way, you will be able to observe problems very early.
How Long Does Cat Depression Last?
One of the questions owners often ask about cat depression is how long it will last. Cats are unpredictable creatures in terms of their behavior. For this reason, it is not possible today to know how long it will last when they have a psychological problem. In fact, it depends on the treatment and how well the little paw responds to it. If the cause of the illness is clearly diagnosed, the veterinary treatment program should take between 2 and 8 weeks. Depending on the pet, this may be longer or shorter.
Causes of Cat Depression
There are many factors that can cause behavioral changes in cats. Because although they share a life with humans, this world they live in does not belong to them. The main habitat of these creatures is nature. Of course, there is no such opportunity left in the world. They are also trying to adapt to the new order. But you should know that this is not very easy for them. For this reason, they can often become depressed. The causes of cat depression are quite broad. Let’s list a few of the most common causes.
Things that make cats depressed:
- Cats often become depressed when they are away from their owners for long periods of time. Even though they fulfill their needs when they are alone, they are mentally broken.
- One of the things that can make cats depressed is changing the litter box. These little friends can become a little sensitive when their routine changes.
- Another reason is a change in the brand of formula. This is why experts recommend the use of fixed formula.
- They are very likely to be depressed by the arrival of a new pet.
- They are also very affected by their owners’ shouting.
- Car trips can also sometimes make little paws depressed.
- Having their fur shaved is also a factor. Not all cats are affected negatively by this practice, but in general.
Cat Depression Treatment
The first thing to do after recognizing that a cat is depressed is to consult an expert veterinarian. Because what owners can do about this is limited. In addition, there may be a different health problem on the grounds of what is thought to be depression. For this reason, a clear diagnosis should be made by going to the veterinarian. Afterwards, physicians already draw a treatment roadmap. Apart from physicians, owners also have some responsibilities. We have listed some of the duties of individuals for the treatment of cat depression below as suggestions.
What to do for a depressed cat:
- First and foremost, when a cat is depressed, they need more affection and love than usual. They need a lot of affection during this difficult time. You can give them lots of strokes and scratches.
- If there is something in the house that you think is bothering him, you should correct it.
- If this problem occurs after a food change, you can put the old food back in.
- If you have changed toilet litter, we recommend that you go back to the old brand.
- Be careful not to leave him alone at home during this difficult period. He needs you very much during this period.
- If a new pet comes home, try to find a different habitat for it.
Does Cat Depression Go Away?
There is no depression that will not go away. As long as the owners take responsibility and take the little paws to the vet. Afterwards, behaviors and practices that will make him happy should be done. Sometimes it may take a long time, but if you are patient, it will definitely regain its former peace of mind.
Does a Cat Kill Depression?
The risk of death is one of the most feared issues for owners when it comes to cat depression. It would not be an exaggeration to say that being separated from their beloved pet is every individual’s nightmare. Because we get used to them over time and consider them part of our family. First of all, the importance of treatment should be well understood. If the things that make them unhappy are identified and these problems are eliminated, there will be no risk of death.
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