Characteristics of Cats | Unknown Facts About Cats

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The characteristics of cats always make us curious. Most of the time we witness behaviors that fascinate us. But we can say that there is almost no limit to their different and unique behaviors. According to research, mankind has only been able to discover 40% of the characteristics and behaviors of cats to date. Considering the remaining 60%, we have a long way to go. It is known that there are basically 33 different cat breeds in the world. Although there are sub-breeds, this is the general outline. Each breed has its own unique and different characteristics. A behavior seen in a Siamese cat may not be seen in an Angora cat. So don’t forget that the little paw you live with has the characteristics of its own breed. So what are the characteristics of common cats in general? In this article, we investigated the unknown characteristics of cats . We wish you a pleasant reading…

Characteristics of Cats

The Most Interesting Features of Cats

Just when everyone thinks they know their cat well, the little paws show a behavior that surprises their owners. Today, hundreds of different cat behaviors and traits have been discovered. You may have thought you knew cats well until now. But with this article, we’re going to give you some great information that you may not know. The information is listed in bullet points without differentiating between male and female cats. Here are the characteristics of cats…

  1. There are over 500 million domestic cats in the world. When stray cats are considered, this figure exceeds 1 billion.
  2. Tiny paws have exactly 290 bones and 517 muscles in their bodies.
  3. The cat is the most sleep-loving of all mammals on Earth. They spend about 16 hours a day sleeping. We humans are not far behind.
  4. They have a characteristic personality and excellent intuition. It’s not widely known, but cats are also logical creatures.
  5. Their urge to explore is always strong. So we wouldn’t be wrong if we say that little paws are curious. They usually try to discover what they are curious about by scratching.
  6. According to scientific studies, stroking a cat has a blood pressure lowering effect.

One of the most interesting facts about cats is that they have 185 degrees of vision. This means they can see much wider areas from a single point of view. Cats also spend 30% of their lives grooming. That’s a really long period of time.

What You Don’t Know About Cats

Everyone knows how mysterious cats are. Perhaps it is because this mystery has fascinated mankind for centuries that we have never stopped being friends with these tiny paws. In ancient Egypt, this mystery was pursued and cats were even elevated to the status of gods for centuries. How much do you know about the characteristics and origins of cats today? The answer is in the rest of the article…

  • A cat has climbed to 4,478 meters, the highest in the world. In 1950, a cat stalked a group of mountaineers and managed to climb to the top of the Alps with them.
  • Cats have very good night vision. Compared to humans, they see six times more.
  • Cats have environmental control and sensitivity thanks to their whiskers. In fact, a blind cat can walk without falling or bumping into its whiskers. It would not be an exaggeration to call the cat’s whiskers the third eye.
  • The world’s first salaried cat is named Peter. Between 1949 and 1964, he worked at the British Passport Office, earning a salary of £6.5 a year.
  • One of the most interesting features of cats is that they have no bridge bones. This means that they can fit their bodies wherever they can fit their heads.
  • Cats have strong hearing. You don’t need to shout at them. They will hear you even if you speak in a whisper.

An interesting characteristic of the she-cat is that she is a hunter. Today, they are the sworn enemy of mice. In fact, according to reports recorded by an official at the stadium in London, one cat caught a total of 12,500 mice over a 6-year period. A truly astonishing statistic…

Characteristics of Cats | Unknown Facts About Cats

What Hurts the Cat the Most?

We can list hundreds of reasons that can upset a cat. But the thing that hurts their emotional heart the most is being alone. They quickly form close bonds with their owners. If their owners abandon them, a deep psychological devastation occurs. Not only psychological but also health problems can occur. For this reason, let’s not leave our little friends alone…


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