Does a Cat Forget Its Owner? | Scientific Explanation in 4 Articles
Communicating with cats is actually more difficult than it seems. Therefore, the issue of whether the cat forgets its owner is often raised by the owners. This is sometimes wondered while living together and sometimes in the case of former ownership. Let’s start the article by stating that cats will not forget their owners. Although they seem to have a reckless attitude, they are creatures with a strong memory. They never forget the person they are once attached to throughout their lives. Even if this separation lasts for years, this situation does not change. Cats are often referred to as having the memory of an elephant. This is also a true statement. But it is not possible to say that they are very good at short-term memory. A lot of research has been done globally in this field and the conclusion is that their short-term memory is not good. Because it is in their nature. They never need short-term memory for survival. And because they are good at long-term retention, they do not forget their owners.
Cats have a retention system called associative memory. They use this technique to survive. For example, if a can is rattled even though it is not dinnertime, the cat will immediately use its associative memory to come to eat. They also use this associative memory to remember their owners. Their brains don’t work like our minds. There must be triggering factors to remember the owner. We will examine these in the rest of the article. Here is the detailed answer to the question: Does a cat forget its owner?
Do Cats Forget Their Owners?
People love their pets very much. Because of this love, they do not want to be forgotten. Whether they are separated or stay together, this desire does not change. So does the cat really forget its owner? We can say for sure that it does not forget. But for this to happen, triggering factors and issues are needed. For example, let’s put it like this. If you leave a cat you have lived with for many years one day. Your cat will not remember you. Yes, in such moments you are forgotten. But if you go back and trigger its associative memory, it will remember you immediately. How is this possible? Here are the details…
Cats Remember Their Owner’s Scent
Pets have a highly developed sense of smell and memory. In their long-term memory, scent is firmly entrenched. If you spend enough time with your cat to leave your scent, it will be firmly embedded in her memory. He may forget you, but not your scent. If you are with them all the time, you will keep their associative memory active and you will not be forgotten. Also note this. When you go on a 10-day vacation, you will be forgotten by your paw after a while. But when he comes back home, he will smell you for a short time and his associative memory will be activated. Your friend will then remember you again.
Cats are a Good Sound Memory Depository
After smell, one of the most memorable elements is sound vibrations. They are good listeners and good storers of what they listen to. Our little friends have a different approach to the tone of voice of each individual in the house. No matter how far away you are, if you call out in a way they can hear, they will come out and find you immediately. Does a cat forget its owner? try calling them in turn when there is a stranger in the house. You will definitely be surprised to see which one of you reacts to their voice and comes to them. What triggers this behavior is definitely triggered by associative memory.
Cats Never Forget the Evil They See
They say cats are vindictive. That’s a big lie. But if a paw is persecuted, then it is true. Because these creatures never forget the evil they have seen and the person who inflicted it. Maybe you might think that they forget because their short-term memory is not good, but if there is a trigger to nudge their associative memory, they will remember what happened. In fact, this also shows us that they remember their owner. However, as the Cat Love platform, we wish that our little friends are always treated well and that they should not forget that they are creatures in need of help. Anyway, every good-hearted person exhibits such an approach. Other situations reflect the world of bad hearts.
They Never Forget Their Owners Emotionally
Another detail is that cats have an emotional memory. Sometimes forgetting can happen in terms of memory. However, this is never the case emotionally. For example, when you give them a bowl of water or a fresh bowl of food, you are now an unforgettable and loved person for these creatures. Because they will immediately form an emotional attachment to you. Many scientific theses have demonstrated this. Continuity is also important. For example, the emotional memory of a person who gives food is not the same as that of a person who gives food for months. Of course, they reserve more space in their memory for people they have lived with for a long time.
How Long Does a Cat Forget Its Owner?
No one wants to be forgotten by the creature they live with and love so much. Especially if this creature has reached a level of affection that can now be compared to a son or daughter. Most people are afraid of being forgotten by their cat. But this is not the case. As we have already mentioned, once you are engraved in its associative memory, it will remember you for the rest of its life. Your scent, your voice and your affection are the most important keys to being remembered. Cat owners often have this fear when they go on vacation. They are often preoccupied with questions such as will the cat forget its owner and how long will it take? There is no time limit. Your cat will not forget you just because you went on vacation for 10 days. On the contrary, you will be on her mind much more because of the heavy longing she is experiencing. There is also the misconception that cats own the space they live in, not their owners. The proof that this is wrong is the prolonged depression that a cat experiences when it is given to another owner. Most cats don’t get over this depression for a long time. Because they miss their former owner very much. Naturally, it is not possible for them to miss someone they don’t remember.
What is Olfactory Memory in Cats?
In fact, humans have this type of memory. But we have very few senses. In cats, the relationship between smell and the brain is very strong. We store what we see in our brains, while domestic animals store what they smell in their memory. This has been conclusively proven by scientific theses. In fact, when they enter a new house, they immediately start sniffing everywhere. With this practice, they create a map of the environment in their memory. They also take a detailed sniff if there is a new guest in the house. This helps them to have an idea about that person. If you don’t want your cat to forget me, what you really need to do is to go with the flow of daily routines. For example, when your cat wants to sniff you, don’t push it away with your hand. Because paws don’t do this very often. And when they do, they are refreshing their associative memory. Let it sniff as much as it wants and memorize you. This will take a maximum of 1-2 minutes anyway. After he gets the data he wants, he will walk away from you. Yes, in this article, we have learned in detail that cats never forget their owners and that there is no time period for forgetting. You can now take this information into consideration when establishing relationships with the cats in your home or in your neighborhood. Do not hesitate to show your affection. It is also important to remember that sometimes love is unconditional. Maybe the essence of love comes out when it’s done this way. Who knows…
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