Does Citikitty Cat Toilet Trainer Work?
Citikitty cat toilet training kit is used to train cats to go to the toilet. Cats are smart and clean animals, and although the toilet training process can be a bit tricky, they will eventually stop using the toilet in various parts of the house once they are toilet trained. Some cats get used to their own toilet bowl very quickly, while for others it takes a while.
One of the most worrying and hesitant aspects of keeping a cat at home is the cat’s toilet problem. What if the cat doesn’t get used to the litter box, what if it poops in the house, what if the litter box smells bad in the house, and many other questions can be confusing.
Can cats be accustomed to the toilet?
Once you get your cats used to the litter box, they will no longer defecate elsewhere in the house. The litter box can be a savior, but the litter left on the cat’s paws can get scattered around the house. Both the litter scattered around the house, the money spent on litter and the frequent cleaning of the cat toilet can be annoying. There is a solution that will save you from all these problems. This is possible with the Citikitty cat toilet training kit. If you get your cat used to using the toilet bowl, you will have some gains. For example;
You will save the cost of sand.
The litter scattered in the house from the cat’s paw will not threaten your health.
You’ll get rid of the mess of litter that spills out as your cat digs around to cover its poop.
You will save yourself the work of constantly cleaning and replenishing cat litter.
No more bad odors from the litter box spreading through the house.
After 3 months of age, you can accustom your cats to the toilet bowl. For cats with asthma, it is good to get rid of litter dust.
How to Use Citikitty Cat Toilet Trainer?
Some time before you start using the Citikitty cat toilet training kit , place the litter box close to the toilet bowl so that your cat gets used to toileting in the toilet bowl environment. Then remove the litter box completely, place the Citikitty cat toilet training tray on the toilet bowl and put some water-soluble cat litter in the tray. Allow the cat to toilet like this for a few days. You can be encouraging by giving it treats when it defecates in the training tray.
Then remove the first ring of the set to make a small hole. Let him use it like this for a while. In this way, you can gradually remove the rings of the training set and get your cat completely accustomed to using the toilet bowl. You can also consult your veterinarian to get an idea about using the toilet bowl.
Does Citikitty Cat Toilet Trainer Work? We have come to the end of our article. If you have anything you want to add for this article or if you want to ask about your cat, you can specify in the comments section. Also, do not forget to review our most frequently asked article Why Do Cats Have Long Whiskers?