Foods Cats Should Not Eat: 10 Dangerous Foods
As much as we love feeding them, there are some foods that cats shouldn’t eat. Because of the close bond we have established with the little paws over time, we think that they are also craving something when we consume something ourselves at home and we offer it to them. Of course, the fact that they look at us with appetizing eyes plays a big role in this. Sometimes we give them a piece of raw meat, ice cream, or sometimes we give them a ride. Although these are well-intentioned actions, they can create a situation that can put their health at risk. For this reason, we should definitely remove some foods from the lives of our furry friends. Even if they are looking at the food in our hands with eager eyes… The healthiest diet for cats is dry food. Sometimes wet food can also be supplemented. However, it should not be forgotten that they meet all the nutritional values they need daily with these foods. In other words, they do not need the nutrients in human food. If you are tempted to give your cat the leftover food on your table, you should turn back. In particular, you should definitely keep your furry friend away from the foods on the list of foods that cats should not eat, which we will talk about a little later. List of harmful foods for cats:
- Onion
- Garlic
- Raw egg
- Raw meat or bone
- Raw dough products
- Milk
- Grape varieties
- Foods for dogs
- Alcohol
- Caffeinated drinks
What happens if a cat eats onions?
Onions and garlic are foods that should be kept away from cats. They pose a great danger to their health. According to veterinarians, these foods directly damage the red blood cells in cats. It can also trigger problems such as nausea, salivation and abdominal pain. If you’re preparing a vegetable dish for your cat, we recommend that you don’t add garlic. Remember that they are already unable to comprehend the taste of these products. So there is no need to add it with the thought of flavor.
What happens if a cat eats an egg?
Raw eggs are one of the foods that cats shouldn’t eat, and they can have some negative consequences. We especially want to emphasize that raw eggs are harmful. When cooked eggs are fed in moderation, there is no harm to our little friends. In raw, uncooked cases, you deprive them of vitamins in the first place. You also increase the risk of bacteria. Experts state that raw products cause great harm to cats. Protect your cat’s health by following these opinions.
What happens if a cat eats raw meat?
Consuming raw meat is harmful for cats. It is not only unhealthy for cats, but also for humans. Because it can cause poisoning such as salmonella and ecoli. Add to this the risk of contracting bacteria. If your cat has eaten raw meat and is negatively affected, it will show symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea and weakness. In such cases, veterinarians should be contacted. Finally, we can state that cooked meat does not cause any harm. Of course, this rule applies when it’s given in the right proportions.
What Happens When a Cat Drinks Milk?
Milk and dairy products top the list of foods that cats should not eat. The desire to give milk to our furry friends is something that all cat owners fall into periodically. Especially in hot weather in summer, it is thought that cold milk will refresh them and moreover, it will be good for them. But this is wrong information and approach. They get no nutritional value from milk. And the situation is not as innocent as it is portrayed in cartoons. There is no enzyme in their digestive system to break down lactose. This makes them uncomfortable.
What Happens When a Cat Eats Grapes?
We humans consume grapes, one of the summer fruits, very often. In winter, we never miss the dried version from our tables. Most of the time, we think that our feathered friends who graze on our feet during consumption are craving them and we offer them some dried or fresh grapes. But this is a behavior that should not be done. Because cats do not have a digestive system that can easily digest grapes. Symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea appear at first. Subsequently, it can cause undesirable conditions such as acute kidney failure.
What happens if a cat eats dog food?
In some households, dogs and cats live together. One of the challenges of living together is the problem of mixing food. First of all, there is nothing wrong with dogs eating cat food. There is no harm to their health. But for cats, it’s the opposite. Tiny paws can’t survive on dog food. The main reason for this is the lack of taurine and arachidonic nutrients in dog food. If it’s a small amount, that’s fine. But long-term feeding is strongly discouraged.
What Happens If a Cat Drinks Alcohol?
Of course, we’re answering this article assuming that no owner would ever give their cat alcohol. But sometimes we may catch our furry friends licking an alcohol in the house. In such cases, we immediately investigate the harm of alcohol to cats. First of all, we must say that these drinks are very harmful for them. Even if they consume a small amount, they can experience many different problems. Disorientation, breathing difficulties and coma are some of them. Sometimes even death is an option. For this reason, you should consult your veterinarian in such a situation, whether it’s a little or a lot.
What Happens When Cats Drink Coffee?
In a society where coffee is an essential drink, there is always a risk that cats will drink coffee. But it’s important to remember that all caffeinated beverages, no matter how much or little, have a bad effect on them. Sometimes it may seem that nothing will happen, given that they are constantly fed coffee to produce coffee beans from civet feces. However, it should be remembered that the production of Luwak coffee shortens the lifespan of Civets. If you see a cat licking your coffee cup, you should take it for a health check.
How to Take Precautions for Foods Cats Shouldn’t Eat
Living with cats is a beautiful feeling for humans, but it also brings with it many responsibilities. The most important one is to protect their health. As much as you take care of their balanced diet, you should take a series of measures to keep them away from foods they should not eat. Otherwise, you will greatly jeopardize the health of these cute friends. So what precautions can be taken for foods that cats should not eat? Here are the details…
- First of all, you should put harmful foods out of the reach of cats. Especially cabinets with doors are a good solution for this. If your cupboard is easy to open, you should install locks that prevent cats from opening it.
- One of the golden rules is that cats should be kept off the countertops when cooking in the kitchen. They can take advantage of your slightest distraction to gobble up a piece of raw meat they shouldn’t be eating.
- Never offer leftovers left on the table after a meal to your little friend.
- Be sure to pay attention to all these rules during the holidays. Because there can be too much food around.
Although we are careful about the foods that cats should not eat, sometimes these situations can happen unintentionally. In such moments, the responsibility of the owners is to take them to the vet without wasting time. It doesn’t matter if it’s a little or a lot. Sometimes even a piece of meat can put your cat’s life at risk. As the Cat Love family, we wish a healthy life for your cat.
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