Fungal Infection in Cats | 3 Symptoms to Watch Out For

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Fungal infection in cats is a common condition among pet diseases and a serious threat to their health. This disease, which occurs in all pet groups, is also experienced in cats. The main reason why this is intense in cats is that they have a hairy structure and are weak in terms of immune system. Because long-haired cats often cannot fully fulfill the care of their feathers. Ingestion of feathers can lead to infection. For more detailed information on the subject, you can read the rest of the article…

fungal infection in cats
Fungal infection in cats

Symptoms of Fungal Infection in Cats

No matter how well you take care of your pet, there are times when it is at risk of infection due to its hair. Fungal disease is inevitable because of weak immunity due to ingested hairs. So what are the symptoms of fungal infection in cats? Let’s look at the details together…

Skin Redness

The most common symptom of a fungal infection is a rash on the skin. It usually appears on the ears, eyes and nose, but can also appear on different parts of the body. You can easily observe these rashes when you brush your cat. If such a situation is encountered, you should go to the veterinarian immediately.

Excessive Hair Loss

Hair loss in cats is normal at certain periods of their lives. When do cats shed? we have covered this in detail. However, if hair loss becomes too frequent, this is a sign of a problem. Especially if it happens behind the ears and on the back, you should take it seriously.

Skin Rash

The cat’s skin is likely to experience flaking, which we will call flakes. Usually, this rash starts in areas where the hairs are intensively shed. Subsequently, there is watering and excessive itching.

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What Causes Fungal Infection in Cats?

How to Treat Fungus in Cats?

How does fungus go away in cats? There are many different answers to the question. First of all, the quarantine technique is applied. Because during this period, tiny paws run the risk of infecting everything they touch with fungus. Veterinarians can also use medications such as serum, vaccine and cream to treat fungal infections in cats. If this disease is taken seriously, the treatment is quite simple. On average, the disease is expected to disappear within 2 weeks. Of course, this period is also proportional to the animal’s constitution and how far the disease has progressed.

How Long Does Fungus Treatment in Cats Take?

One of the most curious and worrying issues for owners is how long does it take to cure fungus in cats? It is not possible to give a clear answer for this. Because the recovery rate of each cat is different. In addition, the degree to which the disease progresses is also decisive. But experts normally indicate the treatment period as 2 weeks.

Fungus Treatment in Cats Price

Fungus is a contagious disease. A cat with a fungal infection can infect the objects around it and especially people. Knowing this, treatment should be given importance. The treatment can be a bit costly depending on the type. Especially the drug prices used can carry this treatment to expensive rates. Contact your veterinarian for the price of fungal treatment in cats. If you like our article, you may be interested in our Instagram account.


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