How to recognize a cat foot fracture?
The question of how to recognize a cat foot fracture is important for almost every cat owner. Because a fracture in the feet of cats is an extremely serious problem. When cats are fed in high-rise buildings, they can sometimes fall down due to carelessness. This is one of the most important causes of foot fracture in cats.
The problem of broken feet in cats can develop in many ways. In such a case, you should seek help from veterinarians who are experts on the fractures that may occur in your cats’ feet. However, you should also know the answers to the question of how to recognize cat foot fracture. If your cats have fractures in their feet, it is important to show them to a veterinarian. Because some fractures may require surgical intervention for your cats.
Symptoms of Cat Foot Fracture
There are a number of symptoms of cat foot fractures. When you recognize these symptoms, you can have an average knowledge about the problem your cats are experiencing. It may be possible to answer the question of how to recognize cat foot fracture as follows:
Cats make moaning or crying sounds when the broken foot area is touched.
They have a problem such as not being able to walk or not being able to use the tail.
They may face the problem of not eating.
They may find it difficult to groom themselves.
They stay away from people.
They hide in unusual places.
Swelling and bruising occur in the injured area.
Pale white fangs are an important sign.
Dilated pupils are also an important symptom.
In addition, cuts, bruises or loss of balance are also among the conditions that indicate a foot fracture. In such cases, it is of great importance to intervene appropriately.
How to Treat a Cat Foot Fracture?
The question of how to treat a cat’s broken foot should be answered in the form of veterinary checks. An animal in pain, no matter how gentle, can bite you during treatment. At the same time, treating at home can cause permanent damage to your cats’ feet. In such cases, veterinary control is absolutely necessary.
The vet cleans the area and covers it with a clean cloth. The cat is allowed to rest with minimal disturbance to the broken bone. However, the vet may also have to perform surgery if necessary.
How to recognize a cat foot fracture? We have come to the end of our article. If you have anything you want to add for this article or if you want to ask about your cat, you can specify in the comments section. Also, do not forget to review our most frequently asked article Why Do Cats Have Long Whiskers?