How to Trim Cats’ Nails? Using Cat Nail Clippers

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How to cut cats’ nails? Can cats’ nails be cut with normal nail clippers? Cats grow their nails faster than humans. Although cats naturally care about their nails, this can often cause problems in domestic life. In particular, scratching the sofas, scratching the furniture or damaging the individuals living in the house during the game are the main ones of these problems. In this article, we have shared the answer to the question ‘How to cut cats’ nails?’… Although cat boards produced today for cat nails that grow longer work, it is known that this is a temporary solution. Cats need to scratch when their nails grow long and they scratch the items they find in the house. Usually these items are soft-surfaced armchairs, which can cause difficulties for individuals. For this reason, their nails need to be cut periodically. So how are cats’ nails cut? Here is the answer…

How to Trim Cats’ Nails?

How to Trim Cats’ Nails?

Cats don’t like having their nails cut. Due to their wild nature, the nail is a symbol of trust. For this reason, they can cause difficulties for their owners during nail cutting. For this reason, it is important to pay attention to some issues for the health of both the cat and individuals. The things to be considered when cutting the nails of cats are as follows:

  • Cats are very frightened during nail trimming. For this reason, they should not be approached at once. A few attempts should be made beforehand.
  • The problem of ‘my cat won’t cut its nails’ is very common. For this reason, it will be healthier for 2 people to perform the procedure.
  • The cat’s other legs should be under control while the nails are being clipped.
  • Cutting should not be done too quickly and the cat should be given treats from time to time.
  • Nail clipping should be on a very tiny scale. The tips should be trimmed. The bottom of the nail should not be penetrated.
  • If they put their owners in a very difficult situation, they should seek help from a veterinarian.

Cats’ nails should be clipped if they lead a domestic life. Cats kept in the garden or on the street do not need to have their nails clipped.

How to Cut Grumpy Cat Nail?


The research on how to cut the nails of grumpy cats is especially researched for cats that are difficult to get along with. If you are not experienced in grooming, this can be a real challenge. In general, you can use the periods when they are more calm when they are sleepy, when they have just woken up from sleep.

How to Cut Kitten Nails?

Kittens are a species that are approached with care, both in terms of handling and because their nails are small. If you think you will have difficulty in nail cutting in kittens, you can have them cut at the vet. Thus, you can handle your process more easily and in a short time.


Kitten Nail Trimming Price

After finding the answer to the question of how to cut kittens’ nails, if you think it is not for you, you should seek veterinary support. Veterinarians usually do not charge extra for nail trimming, it is covered free of charge during the period when you are vaccinated. However, the pricing will still be around 50 TL on average.

When to Cut Cats’ Nails? How Often Are Cats’ Nails Trimmed?

Cats’ nails do not grow in a fixed period of time. Sometimes they grow fast and sometimes they grow slowly. You can tell if it’s time to cut a cat’s nails by the way it scratches things. Cats start to rub against things when their nails grow too long. In addition, it is possible to see the length of their nails by pressing the middle of their paws with a finger. Cats normally hide their nails inside their paws. It is therefore impossible to see the length from the outside. However, pressing on the paws reveals all the nails.


Can I Cut Cat Nails with Normal Nail Clippers?

Cat owners often wonder whether normal nail clippers are suitable as well as how to cut cat nails. Of course, it is okay to use regular nail clippers. However, since cats are difficult to control, you need to be extra careful when using these clippers. Otherwise, you can cut the nails much deeper and damage the veins.

What Happens If Cats’ Nails Are Not Trimmed?

If you don’t trim cat nails, in the long run cats will become unable to move freely because of their nails. Their nails will constantly get stuck in one area. This will cause them pain. Uncontrolled breakage of the nails will be frequent. Finally, it will have difficulty controlling the litter in the toilet.

How to Use Cat Nail Clippers?


The most important situation in answering the question of how to cut cats’ nails is the use of cat clippers. Because if you can control these scissors, you can cut the nails comfortably. It is different from human nail scissors. It is similar to normal scissors. During the use of the scissors, you should determine the location by looking at the cat’s nail size. Cat nails have red areas at the base. These red areas correspond to the veins. You should never cut close to this area. You should only cut a small amount from the very tips of the nails. If you like this article, you may be interested in our article ‘Why Cats Blink’. You can also find daily information about cats by following our Instagram Cat Love account.

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