Is Kidney Disease Cat Food Useful? User Reviews

Bobrek Hastasi Kedi Mamasi Faydali mi Kullanici Yorumlari

Kidney patient cat food is specially produced by reducing protein and phosphorus compared to other foods and can be easily used in cats with kidney disease. When used with veterinary advice and control, it is possible to increase the quality of life of cats with kidney disease and make them live longer. Proper nutrition is very important for the health of pets with kidney disease. In such cases, veterinarians recommend specially produced dry food.

How to recognize kidney disease in cats?

Kidney problems are usually seen in older cats, but sometimes kittens are born with the disease. If left untreated, serious problems can occur and cats can have a shorter lifespan. Kidney disease is seen in two forms, chronic and acute. Although chronic kidney disease cannot be treated definitively, their life span can be prolonged a little longer by feeding kidney disease cat food specially produced for this disease.

Symptoms of feline kidney disease can be difficult to recognize because they are similar to other conditions. Since kidney disease progresses rapidly, when you see the following symptoms in your cat, you should definitely take it to the veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment.

  • Increased water intake.

  • Decreased appetite.

  • Frequent or no urination.

  • Blood or cloudy urine.

  • Vomiting

  • Feathers become lifeless and look bad.

  • Attenuation.

  • Bad breath.

  • Don’t sleep too much.

  • Constipation and sometimes diarrhea.

You should observe your pet very carefully and have it checked by a veterinarian when you see these symptoms. You should follow the treatment recommended by the veterinarian and pay attention to its nutrition. You can benefit from cat foods produced for kidney disease and ensure a better quality of life.

Kidney Patient Cat Food User Reviews

Those who have kidney disease in their cat are more meticulous about the food they will use and pay attention to whether it is sufficient in many ways. In general, when looking at the comments, those who buy cat food with kidney disease;

  • Reduced phosphorus and protein content,

  • Not being prohibitive in terms of price,

  • Your pet likes to eat the food,

  • The odor is not bad and unpleasant,

  • Good quality and nutritiousness

It makes evaluations on issues such as. Positive or negative comments also guide other users. Of course, comments should be looked at, but care should be taken not to go beyond the advice of the veterinarian.

Is Kidney Disease Cat Food Useful? User Reviews We have come to the end of our article. If you have anything you want to add for this article or if you want to ask about your cat, you can specify in the comments section. Also, do not forget to review our most frequently asked article Why Do Cats Have Long Whiskers?

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