Cat Paternity Rights and Contract

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One of the most natural behaviors for cats is reproduction. They periodically mate and become pregnant. This is where the problem of cat paternity rights arises. Today, parties come together to bring male and female cats together. Generally, this process of finding a mate is done over the internet. Even if a verbal agreement is reached at first, female cat owners may cause problems after the birth. In this article, we will talk about what to do in such moments and what to pay attention to before mating. When cat owners want to mate their paw friends, they look for a breed of the same quality. Today, the most common place where this happens is on internet platforms. However, since most individuals do not have information about this process, they can be victimized in the process. Malicious people refuse to give offspring to the male part because they sell the offspring. In fact, the surest way to prevent this is to prepare a cat paternity contract. It is an official document and you can start a legal process in case of problems. If you make a verbal agreement, you cannot enter your victimization before the law in the face of the problems you will experience.

Cat Paternity Rights

What is Cat Paternity Rights?

For cats, reproduction is their most natural right. Stray cats are free to reproduce freely. But the situation is a little different for domestic paws. Considering that there is a cat in every house, it is necessary for male breeds to find a female suitable for their breed. The offspring or kittens that will be given to the male after this mating are called paternity rights. In general, unwritten traditional customs in society come into play. In other words, the parties reach a verbal agreement. After the birth, when the offspring are weaned from breast milk (on average 60 days), the paternity rights are given to the owner. How many are given depends on the number of offspring at birth.

How many paternity rights does a cat have?

After every mating, the owners are faced with the problem of ‘how many paternity rights does a cat have?There is no such written law. The rules are completely determined by the owners. Mostly one kitten per male. However, this number increases according to the number of kittens at birth. In some cases, there are no paternity rights at all. Those who wonder how many paternity rights I have can read the rest of the article. The problem of paternity rights in cats is usually experienced in breeds. Today, unfortunately, high prices are paid for breed cat sales. Female owners do not give these kittens to the father to sell after birth. It generates a commercial income by selling at high prices! However, the male’s right is a minimum of 1 kitten. If the number of kittens is 5 or more, the father’s right is 2. Sometimes these numbers can also change with contracts. For example, the parties can make a contract stating that the number of kittens born will be divided in half. Now let’s specify how much the man should receive according to the number of births. Here are the details…

5 Kitten Paternity Rights

According to the unofficial folk law, in a litter of 5 cubs, the male has 2 cubs. This is the ideal ratio. Sometimes 1 cub is also given. It is also possible to call this fair. If you agree on the conditions before the mating process, you will not have problems after the birth. In fact, the best method is ultrasound during pregnancy. Because when cats are 45 – 55 days pregnant, the number of kittens can be clearly seen when they enter the ultrasound. Thus, the trust between the parties is ensured.

4 Kitten Paternity Rights

The number 4 is the most common number of kittens that cats give birth to. According to studies, more than 40% of cat births worldwide are 4 kittens. But in such a situation, how many kittens is the rightful father? The ideal is 1 litter. However, depending on the type of agreement, it can also be 2 paws. It is completely up to you.

3 Kitten Paternity Rights

This is the type of birth where paternity disputes are most common. Since 3 cubs is a very small number, there is usually a dispute. Especially if the female owner is thinking of selling these babies, he probably won’t give the paw that the father is entitled to. Unfortunately, even knowing that there are such people makes us sad.

Cat Paternity Rights

2 Kitten Paternity Rights

Let’s talk about the most important paternity rights. If the female paw has given birth to 2 cubs, the father cannot be given cubs according to ethical rules. In such a case, it would not be right to make a request. The female family will not accept it anyway. However, some families can give one to the other side even if there are 2. It is completely up to goodwill. In addition, if you make a contract at the beginning and specify this, you will still have the right to take it.

Cat Paternity Rights Agreement

In recent years, after many problems in cat reproduction, the cat paternity contract has been used as a solution. This is the most definitive and guaranteed solution. At the beginning, the parties write down their demands item by item in the official agreement. Any situation that will occur after birth will be guaranteed in advance. If the male paw party experiences a problem, he can seek his rights before the law. When you agree with a specialist lawyer, you can enter your victimization.

Cat Paternity Rights

Today, there are many lawyers who handle paternity cases. Each of them is an expert in their field. However, you need to have a contract in order to receive consultancy services from these people. Otherwise, you cannot prove your victimization. Your problem will not be solved.

Cat Paternity Rights Agreement Example

By clicking on the link above, you can review the contract sample we have prepared for you, you can edit it according to your demands and have it signed. Remember, this contract is the only official basis you have. Make sure you have the other party sign it.

Cat Paternity Suit

Although many people don’t know it, today you can use legal means when paternity rights are denied. But there are some basic rules for this. The simplest one is that you must have a contract signed and accepted by the other party. When you go to a lawyer with this contract, they offer you a solution. With the lawsuit filed, you have the opportunity to cover both your financial and moral damages. This type of legal process is called a cat paternity suit. Paternity rights cases are heard in the local courts of the region. You can also apply on your own. However, since the process is difficult and involves many legal issues, you may experience difficulties and you may not be able to resolve your victimization. The right option is to consult a good lawyer.

I did not receive my paternity rights, what should I do?

Paternity is a right of the male party. Whether contractually or verbally, the offspring must be handed over to them after birth. Failure to do so constitutes a criminal offense. There is a legal remedy for the aggrieved party. But our only wish is that such a situation does not happen. Because there are innocent animals. Moreover, they are still in their puppy stage. Buying and selling them, not giving them to the father is one of the worst examples of behavior on this earth. Whatever happens, we should think about them and give them a warm family environment. Remember that cat breeding is not a bad behavior. It is the most natural right of these tiny paws. Just as we humans feel the need to reproduce, pets also want to experience this. What is bad is to use and sell these tiny paws after birth. We hope that such a negativity will not happen and we wish you a good day.


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