Leukemia Vaccine in Cats, Should I Get It? Are There Side Effects?

kedilerde losemi asisi 1

The feline leukemia vaccine is often recommended by doctors during routine examinations. Since it is optional, cat owners can often be confused. Here, knowing what leukemia means in tiny paws will help you make a more effective decision during the choice. Let’s examine the details of the subject together. The question of what is leukemia in cats is an important problematic. Because a virus called FeLV triggers leukemia in cats. Leukemia, which infects the body, causes the immune system to collapse in a very short time. With the collapse of the immune system, many diseases manifest themselves

. Kedilerde lösemi aşısı If it does not, if it develops leukemia, the risk of the following diseases increases:

  • Cancer
  • Skin problems
  • Anemia
  • Pneumonia
  • Problems such as diarrhea and jaundice,
  • Gum diseases.

Source: Feline Leukemia Virus

Leukemia Vaccine in Cats

Is Leukemia Vaccine Necessary in Cats?

Is leukemia vaccination necessary in cats? There are many different answers to the question today. However, the opinions of specialists should be taken as a basis. Although it is not a mandatory vaccination method, specialist veterinarians recommend leukemia vaccination. But how accurate are these recommendations? First of all, it is useful to state that this vaccine should be done. This is because leukemia can be easily transmitted in contact with another cat. And unfortunately, there is no cure for this disease yet. By getting vaccinated, you keep your cat out of the risk group. The feline leukemia vaccine is a preventive vaccine. In other words, it is not used to treat an existing disease. It protects tiny paws from the risk of cancer with its preventive structure. Also, prevention here does not mean that they will never get the disease. A cat with a leukemia vaccine can also get leukemia. However, vaccinated cats survive this disease with a milder course. It is seen that the mortality rate of unvaccinated cats is over 85%.

Feline Leukemia Vaccine Side Effects

One of the current debates about this vaccine is whether it has side effects. Many people think that the vaccine will cause serious side effects and even invite many diseases. However, this is a wrong approach. The feline leukemia vaccine has no side effects. The process after receiving this vaccine is just like any other vaccine. There are no extra symptoms. These include weakness, fatigue and loss of appetite.

When is the cat leukemia vaccine given?

It is essential to follow the scientific periods for leukemia vaccination in cats. Because this vaccine is not administered to cats at every age. According to expert veterinarians, the answer to the question of when to get the cat leukemia vaccine is 8 weeks after birth. In other words, it needs to be carried out during the kittenhood period. The vaccination method is also different. It is administered in 2 doses with an interval of one month for immunization. Contact your veterinarian for details…

Feline leukemia vaccine side effects

Cat Leukemia Vaccine Prices

Cat leukemia vaccine prices vary according to veterinarians. It is difficult to say that there is a fixed price. But today, the average price of this vaccine is between 100 and 200 TL. Before getting the vaccine, you can call your veterinarian and get information about the price and make your appointment accordingly.


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