6 Things You Should Know About Scottish Fold!
The Scottish Fold cat breed, with its cute appearance, human friendly nature and love for its owners, has the title of being the most adopted creature in our country as well as around the world in recent years… The Scottish cat breed with gray skin and round head structure was first noticed by a farmer in Scotland in 1961. Its most distinctive feature is that it has a short and inverted ear structure. According to the common opinion accepted by experts, this difference in ear structure is due to mutation.
1- What are the Characteristics of Scottish Fold?
In general, we can summarize the main features of the Scottish Fold cat breed as follows:
- It originally has a short-haired structure. However, there is also a long-haired type known as Scottish Fold Longhair.
- Although the most common color is gray, cream, white and orange are also seen.
- They have different eye colors. Blue and green are the most common eye colors in these cats.
- The body structure is medium-sized. An adult Scottish Fold weighs between 4 and 6 kilograms on average.
These cats have a calm and harmonious character, with an average lifespan of 11 to 14 years. Of course, this can vary depending on the cat’s care, the quality of its diet and the environment in which it lives.
2- What are Scottish Fold Diseases?
Unfortunately, Scottish fold cats are also born with diseases compared to other cats. For Scottish cats with certain diseases, it is necessary to have information about these diseases. For first-time adopters, it will create a decisive quality for kittens and adult cats.
This special breed is characterized by their inward-curled ears, but also by their diseases. They can develop diseases not only as kittens but also in adulthood. Diseases include:
- Pain in the legs,
- Kidney diseases,
- Ear infection
- They have joint and bone problems. In fact, this is the reason for the expression on these cats’ faces. Because they are in pain.
3- Is Scottish Fold Training Easy?
Cats are not as easy to train as dogs. Scottish cats are intelligent cats. You can actually train them with treats and a little patience. However, your patience is very important here. Because these cats don’t like to move most of the time. They are fond of freedom, although they behave according to their pleasure.
4- Research on the Scottish Fold Cat Breed
According to some sources, Scottih Fold cats, which are accepted to be descended from the British Shorthair, were first registered and officially recognized by the GCCF (Governing Gouncil of the Funcy) in 1966. However, it was rejected about 10 years after registration.
As a result of scientific research, it was understood that the difference in the ear structure of the Scottish cat breed was caused by infection and genetic disorder. For this reason, it is the common opinion of experts that breeding should be prevented and should not be adopted. However, despite this, it still maintains its title of being the most adopted cat today.
5- How to Care for Scottish Fold?
Scottish Fold care is more demanding and requires more care than other cat breeds. Considering that the ear structure is a health problem, it is especially important to pay attention to ear care. Routine ear checks at the vet will be sufficient in this regard. Another important issue in Scottish care is the quality of their nutrition. These cats are very picky about nutrition. If they are not given a food that suits their palate, they will not consume these foods even if they are hungry. In addition, the protein content of the food is as important as its taste.
6- How Much is Scottish Fold Price? 2022 Scottish Fold Puppy Price
These cats, which are very popular due to their appearance, also have many friends who want to adopt them. At the first stage, their prices on the internet are wondered. However, according to the rule introduced today, the sale of animals, including cats and dogs, is now prohibited in petshops. Therefore, you should not adopt an animal with money, including on the internet.
How to Adopt a Scottish Fold for Free? Ways to Adopt a Scottish Fold!
Just because it’s not on the internet or in pet shops doesn’t mean you can’t adopt a cat! You can adopt these cats if you wish. However, it should be noted here that these cats are arbitrarily bred and reproduced in a painful way. In fact, the birth and emergence of cats is based on suffering.
However, if you want to adopt cats in difficult situations and offer them a more livable life, it is possible to adopt them for free. What you need to do for this is to look at the adoption sites on the internet. On these sites, cats continue to look for their permanent friends free of charge. You can also ask veterinarians to adopt cats of this breed that have been abandoned or thrown on the street. They are usually abandoned by their owners due to their advanced age, illnesses and expenses. If you think you can’t afford them, you should definitely not adopt them!