Siamese Cat Breed and Characteristics

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The Siamese cat breed has an interesting story among cat breeds. Raised in the Siamese region of Thailand, these cats are named after this region. The fact that they are fed and raised in divine temples in Thailand adds a mystical air to these cats. With their deep blue eyes and mesmerizing intelligence, the Siamese cat breed is a very noble creature. In this article, we have detailed the characteristics, care and unknown aspects of the Siamese cat.

Siamese Cat Breed and Characteristics
Siamese Cat Breed and Characteristics

Siamese Cat Characteristics

The Siamese cat is one of the most compatible cats with humans. It’s known worldwide that these animals are noble. This gives them a special and intimate relationship with their owners. Siamese cats are great with children, just like other cat breeds. Today, many therapists recommend adopting a Siamese cat for families with children. The appearance and characteristics of the Siamese cat breed are also a very curious subject. Its physical appearance is as special as its behavior. Here are the physical characteristics of the Siamese cat…

  • Character Siamese Cats are docile and human-friendly creatures. They love and miss their owners. Siamese cats also love children very much. They have a special bond with children. Families with children can choose Siamese with peace of mind.
  • Feather Structure: Feather color is usually off-white. It is seen that they have a short or medium length hair structure. Therefore, the Siamese cat sheds little hair. This makes it a good option for keeping at home.
  • Body Structure: Siamese cats are strong and agile creatures with a thick body. They reach their strongest body structure in adulthood.
  • Weight: On average, an adult Siamese cat can weigh between 5 and 14 kilograms. If they weigh more or less than this, it is a sign of a health problem. If this is the case, a veterinarian should be consulted.

Siamese cats have a unique coat color. They have a special place in the world with their feather colors. But over the years, there have been efforts to produce Siamese cats in different colors. As a result, Siamese cats such as Redpoint, Creampoint and Bluepoint have emerged. We can say that they are all sweeter than each other. Especially Bluepoint Siamese cat fascinates those who see it with its deep blue eyes.

Siamese Cat Care

Siamese cats are very easy to care for. Especially because they have short hair, which makes it easier for them to adapt to domestic life. They also get along easily with people because they are noble creatures. Siamese cats are paws that just love attention and play. They enjoy playing with their loved ones for most of the day. If you are going to adopt a Siamese cat, get ready for high energy… Siamese cat care does not differ from other cats. Regular veterinary check-ups should be done. Their nails grow fast. For this reason, it is useful to cut their nails every 2 weeks. Otherwise, scratches may occur unintentionally during play.

Siamese Cat Breed and Characteristics
Siamese Cat Breed and Characteristics

Frequently Asked Questions

Siamese cats are one of the most adopted cat breeds today. The fact that they have penetrated so much into our daily lives brings many questions. We have compiled the most curious questions about Siamese cats for you.

How much is a Siamese cat?

Questions like “How much does a Siamese cat cost?” are on the agenda of those who want to adopt a paid cat. It is a justified question considering that this special breed cat cannot be adopted from the street. Siamese cat 2022 prices vary between 1500 TL and 4500 TL on average. To adopt these special breed cats, we recommend that you first search in shelters. In cases where you cannot find a Siamese cat, make a paid adoption.

Siamese Cat Breed and Characteristics
Siamese Cat Breed and Characteristics

Do Siamese Cats Shed A Lot of Hair?

The problem of shedding is the biggest concern of all cat owners. It’s the same for Siamese cats. However, it should be noted that Siamese cats are not very hairy. In this way, hair loss is minimal. In other words, they shed very little compared to a British Longhair.

How Long Does a Siamese Cat Live?

The lifespan of a Siamese cat varies with each cat. The way of care, diet, the importance given to health and the structure of the cat determine the answer to the question of how long a Siamese cat lives. However, according to the researches, the life expectancy of the Siamese cat is stated as 8 to 15 years on average. If you like this article, you may be interested in British Shorthair Cat Breed and Characteristics. You are also invited to our Instagram account.

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