What is Cat Dental Care? How to do it? 6 Details to Consider
Cat dental care is something that needs to be taken into consideration and necessary actions taken by owners. Just like in humans, cats’ teeth can trigger many different types of diseases. Today, this practice is often neglected. According to a recent study, only 12% of people brush their cats’ teeth. The rest brush irregularly or not at all. A large part of a cat’s diet consists of dry or wet food. These products only meet their nutritional needs. They do not prevent the formation of tartar or plaque on the teeth. If it is not brushed regularly, the tooth layer is covered over time. Subsequently, bacterial formation begins. For this reason, we have prepared a detailed article about cat dental care. We wish you a pleasant reading.
What is Cat Dental Care?
What is cat dental care? The most basic answer to the question is to keep the teeth and dental environment hygienic in order to prevent the formation of harmful bacteria. If neglected, not only bacteria build-up but also gum disease can occur. The solution is actually very simple. If you take a short time a day to brush your little friend’s teeth, you will prevent many problems.
Things to Consider When Caring for Cat Teeth
Cats’ good oral health is a detail that protects them from different diseases. Owners should take responsibility in this regard and go for brushing at certain intervals. In this way, the teeth and gum health of the little paws will be at the desired level. It is also important to remember that a clean tooth makes cats happy. We have listed a few things to consider when caring for cat teeth.
- Only paste products specially produced for cats should be preferred for brushing. The paste used by humans is very harmful for cats. It damages the teeth and has a toxic effect.
- On the other hand, the toothbrush should be specially made. Human toothpaste won’t work for cats. On the contrary, it will do more harm.
- Regular veterinary check-ups should be carried out to find out if there is any gum disease.
- If bleeding occurs during brushing, this should be reported to the vet.
- Veterinary check-ups are especially important for kittens’ oral health.
- To get your cat to like brushing, you can massage their palate with your hand beforehand. In this way, you will relax him.
Cat Toothpaste Recommendation
We’ve already explained that when it comes to cat dental care, it’s important to pay attention to the properties of the paste. Nowadays, there are many products made exclusively for tiny paws that are beneficial for dental health and do not pose any risks. However, it can often be indecisive when choosing. As a cat toothpaste recommendation , we recommend the Bioline cat Oral Care Kit. You can find the paste and brush together. Moreover, you have the opportunity to get it at very affordable prices.
Making Cat Toothpaste at Home
For those who prefer natural products, it is possible to make cat toothpaste at home. Moreover, you can produce paste at affordable prices with a simple set of ingredients and protect your little friend’s dental health. First of all, the basic ingredients are ¼ cup coconut oil and 3 tablespoons baking soda. You can also add 1 teaspoon of finely chopped mint or parsley, which is better for the gums. All you need to do is blend all these ingredients and put them in a jar. You should then store it in a cool place for a while. Now your cat dental care product is ready…
Cat Tooth Cleaning
The most effective way to save your little friend from the bacteria that accumulate on the teeth, known as plaque, is to pay attention to cat teeth cleaning. As it is known, adopting a cat is not only a beautiful but also a responsible job. If the tiny paws were living in nature, they could meet many of their needs on their own. But in the process of domestication, they have become dependent on humans for many things. Dental health is one of them. From the moment you adopt a cat, you are responsible for its dental health. For this, it is important to pay attention to cat dental care. The most effective methods are toothpaste and a toothbrush. In addition, applications can be applied according to the recommendations of the physician after veterinary controls. If you like our article, we invite you to our social media account where we share cat posts.
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