What is Fall from Height Syndrome in Cats?


Falling from height syndrome in cats is one of the most feared and anxious issues for cat owners. We would not be wrong if we say that this situation turns into a nightmare, especially for individuals living on a high floor. This is a justified fear. Because the internal organs of cats falling from a height are severely damaged and often these damages can lead to the death of the cat. There is a belief in society that nothing usually happens to cats that fall from a height. This is where the expression ‘cats have nine lives’ comes from. However, this is an erroneous approach. Cats that fall from a height can suffer serious damage, just like any living creature. So what is fall from height syndrome in cats? You can find the details in the rest of the article…

What is Fall from Height Syndrome in Cats?

Fall from Height Syndrome in Cats

Cats have a much better balance than humans. They always take advantage of this feature in their daily lives. They can even turn the situation to their advantage when falling. But this doesn’t mean that nothing can happen to them after a fall. Cats that fall from a height can have serious negative reactions. First of all, most falls don’t result in visible injuries. Since cats often get up immediately after a fall, they can convince their owners that nothing is wrong. However, in such cases, they should be taken to the vet in case of internal bleeding. So how can fall from height syndrome in cats be explained? Fall from height syndrome in cats is analyzed in 2 basic dimensions. The first is the distance they fall. Most of the time, cats don’t fall from a distance where they can right themselves, so they can hit the ground on their head or back. This triggers a serious health problem. It is possible to say that this factor is more common in cats that fall between 2 and 7 times. The other element of the syndrome is a fall from a very high level. If the fall is from an extremely high point, cats can be severely damaged by the force of the impact, even if they have the opportunity to recover.

Does Every Cat Suffer from Feline Falling Syndrome?


Cats do not always suffer from fall from height syndrome. Some cats may react differently depending on the height of the fall. They may fall on a soft surface and survive with smaller wounds. This will vary, but it is unfortunately common in most cases.

Do Cats Jump from the Balcony?

Of course, there is a very high probability that cats will jump from a balcony. Cats will even have fall from height syndrome for this reason alone. Contrary to what you might think, cats are not logical thinkers, and in the unlikely event that a bird or a fly lands on them, they may jump.

What Causes Cats to Fall from Heights?

There are many factors that can cause fall from height syndrome in cats. It is worth mentioning the most influential ones. As is well known, cats often fall from windows or balconies. The reason for this may be that a bird passes by while they are watching outside. Even though cats are height conscious, when they are attracted to another living creature, they may unintentionally let themselves fall into the void.


One of the causes of fall from height syndrome in cats is behaviors that cause them to react suddenly. The sound of a vacuum cleaner is an example of this. This is because cats are frightened by such loud noises and may unconsciously make sudden movements. If you are going to run the vacuum cleaner, make sure the windows are closed.

What is the Psychology of a Cat Falling from a Height? How to Recover from a Cat Falling from a Balcony?

The psychology of cats who suffer a serious injury from a fall from a height is affected as much as their physical condition. The psychology of these cats varies in general. Because injury and pain in cats directly affect the cat’s life. They are more withdrawn than in the past, and at the same time they can become aggressive with the instinct of self-preservation.


At this point, cat owners should first be patient in order to improve their psychology. Because at first the situation can be much more difficult than they think. In addition to the sadness experienced, meeting your cat’s needs is welcomed by the cat. You can play games that will keep him entertained but will not disturb his comfort.

How Many Hours After Internal Bleeding in Cats? Internal Bleeding in Cats 24 Hour Process

Cats can go into a certain shock after falling from a height. A cat in shock from fear can also jump from a height by making sudden movements just for this reason. Cats need to be under serious observation after this time. Because they are very likely to have internal bleeding and the first 24 hours are critical.


The symptoms of internal bleeding will appear at different times. In many cats, the condition may even go unnoticed. This is because bleeding in the context of fall from height syndrome in cats cannot be observed from the outside. In any case, the cat should be taken to the vet directly after the fall. If you like this article, you may be interested in our article titled ‘Why Cats Blink’. We think our Cat Love Instagram account will also attract your attention! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6NuU4mFH3Y



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