What is the Gestation Period in Cats and How Long Does It Last?


How long is the gestation period in cats? What are the signs of a pregnant cat? How does pregnancy progress in cats? As the behavior of female cats entering the heat process changes, changes in their physical structure are also observed. Hyperactive behavior, somersaulting on carpets, uninterrupted meowing behavior can be shown as examples of change. Sudden weight loss due to eating less food is one of the physical changes. During this process, individuals mate their cats in a controlled manner. The mating process takes between 5 and 7 days on average. If egg release occurs in this process, the pregnancy process in cats is entered. So what is the gestation process in cats and how does it happen? Pregnancy in cats is special and exciting for these tiny creatures as well as for their owners. From the first moments of pregnancy, there is a rush on the individuals in the house. This process continues until the moment of birth. However, besides the sweet excitement of the work, there are some issues to be considered. Pregnancy in cats is a more difficult period than you think. Since we know the importance of the subject, we have discussed all aspects of the pregnancy process in cats in this article.

1- How to tell if a cat is pregnant? What are the Signs of Cat Pregnancy?

pregnancy in cats
What is the Gestation Period in Cats?

The gestation process in cats varies according to age, breed and physical structure. In addition, the performance of the male in mating is also one of the factors affecting this process. For this reason, the most accurate information about whether cats are pregnant or not is determined by the examination performed by the veterinarian. Veterinarians detect pregnancy and inform individuals about the ongoing process. However, there are some clues to understand pregnancy. It is possible to state these in a few articles:

  • In cats, reddening of the nipples and an increase in their volume is a sign of pregnancy.
  • You may have human-like symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and weakness. Such symptoms are a sign of pregnancy.
  • Depending on the number of offspring, there may be an enlargement of the lumbar region.
  • In addition to physical changes, psychological changes are also observed. This can be a sign of pregnancy, especially if your cat is more affectionate and calm than usual.


2- How Long Does a Cat’s Pregnancy Last? How many days is the gestation period in cats?

One of the most curious questions about the pregnancy process in cats is how long a cat’s pregnancy lasts. Although it varies according to some factors, birth usually occurs between 8 and 9 weeks. It is possible to say that the birth should take place between 55 and 65 days. If this period is exceeded but the birth does not occur, this may be a sign of a health problem. A veterinarian should be consulted immediately.

3- Is a cat pregnancy test possible?

Although pregnancy is expected after a cat is mated, it is important to make sure that the cat is pregnant early on. Because when a female cat is pregnant, she may need more careful care. Those who take care of her at home want to be a partner in this exciting moment in some way. At this point, a test for pregnancy is not usually applied as in humans. The cat’s abdomen can be checked by the doctor with ultrasound.

Pregnant Cat Manual Examination Method

A manual examination can also be performed by the veterinarian. This is only done once the cats have gained some size. The manual examination method does not provide information about the health of baby cats. It will only be partially effective in clarifying a possible pregnancy. This type of examination is done at the very beginning. Ultrasound is used after it is certain that she is pregnant.

pregnancy in cats

4- How to Care for Cats during Pregnancy?

During pregnancy, cats need more attention than ever. The first thing to do is to take the cat to the vet and have it examined. And not only at the beginning, but also at regular intervals, just like in humans. This is because some of the cat’s functions can be damaged during pregnancy.

A- How to Feed a 15-Day Pregnant Cat?

Cats also need to change their diet during pregnancy. Since they have high protein needs during this period, their own food is often insufficient to meet this need. As it is known, puppy foods have high protein values. You can choose this type of food for your cat during this period.

B- What is the Psychology of a Pregnant Cat? Psychological Changes During Pregnancy in Cats

pregnancy in cats

The gestation process in cats generally works in reverse according to the cat’s personality. At first, affection, desire for attention and docility increase in cats due to hormone changes. You can see that she is found with a calmer psychology. He will also like it very much if you show interest. Otherwise, if you already have a calm cat, she may become irritable, and in the last days of pregnancy, she may take on a really different personality.

You May Be Interested Things to Consider During Pregnancy in Cats

To benefit from up-to-date cat information, you can definitely check out our Cat Love Instagram account! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0_AHhIP0mY

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