Why doesn’t a mother cat breastfeed her kitten?
The question of why a mother cat does not breastfeed her kitten is a very curious topic. There are important points to be considered when mother cats breastfeed their kittens. After 2 months of pregnancy, kittens need their mother’s love. However, sometimes cats may not want to take care of their own kittens. The question of why a mother cat does not breastfeed her kittens is not only valid for cats living on the streets.
This is also important for mother cats who live at home and are well cared for. Because there are many reasons why cats may not want to breastfeed their kittens. In such cases, various measures should be taken to ensure that the mother cat takes a close interest in the kittens.
What to do with a non-lactating cat?
When investigating the question of why a mother cat does not breastfeed her kittens, it is first necessary to focus on the reasons for this situation. If the mother does not want the kittens, there may be several reasons for this. These reasons include the following:
Mother cats can get sick.
Mother cats with mastitis may not breastfeed their kittens.
The mother cat may be stressed.
An important reason is that the pup is sick.
Having too many kittens can be a strain on the mother cat.
Cats that become pregnant early may not nurse their kittens.
In such cases, if the mother cat is not breastfeeding her kittens, you can feed the kittens with a bottle. However, you should always consult a veterinarian before giving bottle-fed food or milk. If necessary, the veterinarian can treat the mother cat and help her feed her kittens.
Why does the mother let the kitten go?
Mother cats can abandon their kittens for various reasons. This can be extremely difficult for kittens. If the mother cat is stressed or sick, she may move away from her kittens. It is also common for mother cats to abandon their kittens when they can’t smell them on their kittens.
Mother cats will not leave their kittens until they can smell them on them. She nurses them, protects them from the outside, helps them with their toilet needs. But after a while, the maternal scent disappears from the kittens. Then mother cats leave their kittens alone with the world. This is the nature of cats. However, mother cats who give up earlier than they should may do so due to stress or illness.
Why doesn’t a mother cat breastfeed her kitten? We have come to the end of our article. If you have anything you want to add for this article or if you want to ask about your cat, you can specify in the comments section. Also, do not forget to review our most frequently asked article Why Do Cats Have Long Whiskers?