Why Do Adult and Kitten Cats’ Eyes Run? 5 Main Reasons
Why do kittens and adult cats have runny eyes? you are probably panicking. For the uninformed, this can be a sign of a serious health problem. In general, this is seen as a normal condition. Eye discharge in cats actually acts as a shield to protect their eye health. In the medical literature, this is called a tear film. The body produces this fluid itself to protect the eye from external factors, i.e. infections. But we need to add a ‘but’ here. We will explain why in the rest of the article.
During the time we live with cats, we constantly observe different behaviors, situations and movements in them. Each of these tiny paws has a different interpretation. But in order for them to have a healthy and long-lasting life, we must be good observers. Eye discharge in cats is one of them. When we see watering in the eye area, we search for what to do by saying ‘my cat’s eye is leaking and closing’. You can find all the information you are curious about in the rest of the article. Have a pleasant reading.
Possible causes of eye discharge in cats:
- It may be natural to protect your eyes from infection.
- The penetration of foreign objects also triggers this.
- Cats can also get the flu. This can cause wet eyes.
- Common cat eye ulcers are a possible source of the discharge.
- Epiphora disease also causes this. It is a disease that needs attention.
- Finally, allergic reactions also frequently cause eye discharge.
Why Does a Cat’s Eye Drain?
A healthy cat’s eyes should always be clear and bright. According to veterinarians, there should also be some wetness. Because this creates a protective shield for them. Paws do not have a dry eye like humans. It is always moist. But the rate of this wetness is also very important. Excessive watering of the cat’s eyes is seen as a health problem and it can upset the cat’s quality of life in an instant. Why does a cat’s eye leak? The question needs to be addressed in two ways. The first of these is natural tears, that is, tears that occur for protection, and the other is tears based on health problems. They are also divided into 5 factors within themselves. We discuss each of them in detail one by one.
Cat’s Eye Mites with Foreign Body Sting
Cats are very active at certain times of the day. They are constantly running around and scratching things they find. They especially love to play with grass and plants. However, during these periods of mischief, foreign objects can often cause their bodies. In particular, the rate of foreign body penetration in the eye is quite high. Immediately, the eye starts to discharge. People panic thinking‘the cat’s one eye is watering, what should I do? First of all, keep calm. This is actually the body’s way of protecting itself. However, the stinging object may need to be removed. Please make sure that the cornea is not damaged by going to the vet.
Cat Flu Triggers Runny Eyes
Cats can get a condition called cat flu due to upper respiratory tract infection. The 90% cause of this is fHV, the feline herpes virus. Symptoms include eye discharge. If you frequently encounter the question “Why does the cat’s eye discharge?”, you should take it to a physician to have it examined. Especially if the discharge is accompanied by fever, nausea and weakness, we recommend that you do not waste any time.
Eye Ulcers in Cats Cause Discharge
Another answer to the question “Why does a cat have a runny eye?” may be ulcers. Eye ulcers occur due to reasons such as hypersensitivity to light and strabismus. Also, the little paws tend to rub their eyes all the time. It needs to be taken seriously. You should consult a veterinarian.
Epiphora Disease Causes Eye Discharge in Cats
Blocked tear drainage is called epiphora. It is a common health problem in cats. It is caused by excessive tear production. When the tear ducts become blocked, swelling can occur. It also causes spotting on the face. It is more common in some breeds of cats. Persian cat is one of them. In its later stages, it leads to corneal inflammation, which is a dangerous symptom.
Allergy is a Cause of Eye Discharge in Cats
The allergy factor should not be ignored when it comes to why the cat’s eye is leaking. Although they are natural and resilient creatures, they can be damaged by some external factors. Factors such as pollen, dust and dirt cause allergic reactions very easily. In addition, some foods and drinks trigger allergies today. These conditions often cause eye discharge. To tell the difference, you can check for a sneezing reflex. If this symptom is also present, the vet should be consulted.
Cat Eye Discharge Treatment Methods
Why does a cat’s eye leak? After finding the answer to the question, it is also necessary to know the treatment if it is caused by a disease. For this, a diagnosis should be made by veterinarians. First of all, it should be noted that not every disease that causes this discharge is curable. However, treatment should definitely be started in order to regress.
Drops to Cure Cat’s Eye Discharge
Now that you’ve read this article, you’re probably wondering what’s good for watery eyes in cats. There are very effective medicines for this. Especially the use of drugs in drop form is common. However, they can be sold and used with a prescription. They are not products that you can obtain randomly. You should not make such a purchase anyway. You open the possibility of blindness due to incorrect use of drops.
What Causes Blood-like Watery Eyes in Cats?
This very rare condition is caused by a dark tear. Individuals who mistake it for blood panic. This is actually the color of inflammation. It’s likely that the paw’s eyes are infected. Veterinarians say that in such moments, the situation should be taken seriously.
Is Cat’s Eye Discharge Contagious?
Depending on the cause, cat eye discharge is contagious. If it is present in the home, there is a risk of transmission to another pet or to humans. If your cat’s eyes are constantly leaking and you don’t know the answer to the question “Why does a cat’s eye discharge?”, you should pay attention. You should definitely wash your hands and maintain hygiene after contact with their eyes. The same applies to children, of course. Also, if you have another cat at home, you should separate it from this cat. Be sure to differentiate their food bowls, toilets, water bowls and common areas. Otherwise, it is inevitable that it will be infected.
When Should I Take a Cat with Eye Discharge to the Veterinarian?
Individuals often confuse this stage. Yes, a cat’s watery eyes can be due to normal causes, but they can also be due to illness. Your observations will determine the level here. In case of a very intense and continuous discharge, you can take your cat to the vet. If it is rare and periodic, then there is no need to panic. In fact, this is a sign that he is healthy. Before concluding our article, it should be noted that these watery eyes are generally considered normal. If the watering does not occur at an extreme level, there is no reason to panic. If the other factors mentioned above occur, then it will be necessary to proceed to the veterinary stage.
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